The Pennifer

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  • haha thanks! i was wondering if my description was adequate, i'm glad you like it! :blush:

    since Pokemon5700 extended the deadline to monday, maybe Chiburga or a different fakemon will spring into existence yet...
    That was very well said. :D
    "The most truly generous persons are those who give silently without hope of praise or reward." - Carol Ryrie Brink
    haha nice! btw last weekend i was listening to the radio and there was an NPR interview with these English dudes that provide "Original Phonetics" pronunciation analysis to the Globe Theatre; i didnt get to hear all of it, i'll have to track it down on the internet and send you a link...

    I'm afraid things didn't quite pan out with my fakemon concept,"Chiburga." but, i've got another one that i love way more and that i am feverishly working upon even now...
    There's no need to apologize! :eek:
    Oh no, that's horrible. Sadly, I've also met some unpleasant members. Hopefully, they were just the exception to the rule. :c Since there are also so many kind people here!
    I'd like to thank you for your generosity on their behalf! That was so very kind of you!
    Yeah, he's way too generous haha. I seriously can't fathom how much faith you'd need in the good of random strangers to appreciate your gift...
    Hey The Pennifer or Penelope? :blush:
    Thank you so much for leaving a message! I didn't expect that other people would relate to it. Aww, but I definitely do remember PrayingMantis10, though! It's not the same without the people you miss, right? :/

    There might have been a misunderstanding, haha. But I didn't intend to enter for myself. After all, there's someone who desires it waaay more than me. *cough* Jav *cough* :D
    hey that's great news about sonny boy!!

    i'll check it out, i got offtrack with some other ideas and havent managed to sketch out any yet. '*m*'
    haha nice! for some reason from the name i was expecting a hotdog and not Lulu, probably because I've had a cheeseburger pokemon on my mind for my next entry! the Weinasaur looks great, but maybe ready for a snack and a nap... OuO
    did you see there's a 3rd entry in the fakemon contest. the good news is that if nobody else enters i'll have 3rd place locked up!
    "Hi there ... I have a Pokeball collectible that I am planning on putting up for offers (not doing a traditional auction) ... however, I am not interested in any of the egg collectibles, but will be looking for TBTs or combined TBT and other collectible offers ... just thought I would give you a heads up ... (sorry about the non interest in your trade) ❤️"

    I wish I knew this before me giveway rip
    nice- love it!

    i sketched mine and made up its description (mine's a Fairy type o_O); will color and upload it tomorrow!
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