The Pennifer

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  • Ugh yeah that's true, but i will ask the post office employee if i can take a photo when i send Lottie (and Knox if Tom Nook arrives).

    Also there is no real way how i can prove you that i did send it but i sent your card at the same time as 2 other cards which were headed to England, they already received their cards a week ago so i am quite worried.
    I can't believe how kind you are, if i were in this situation i would be full of doubts...

    Thank you for staying nice even though your card takes ages to arrive!
    Omigosh so Tom Nook has not arrived yet?

    Okay let's do this. If he does not arrive this week i will send you Lottie as a replacement for Tom Nook. Is that okay?
    Oh okay then! Let's just assume he will arrive monday/tuesday then!

    I love those pics! They are so funny!
    Seriously? You have got to be kidding! Maybe my card wasn't sent via air mail... Hmm... I guess we will find out soon enough...
    Oh how nice! Thanks! Also that image is so funny (and true :rolleyes:)!

    Speaking of amiibo, has Nook arrived yet?
    Well you still need Knox and Lottie so we could still trade right? What happened to your Peanut double though? :eek:
    Oh okay! I will check it out! And no we do not have Walmarts here in The Netherlands but i know what they are, i was in America last summer ^^
    Heyoo! I have duplicates of lots of the cards you are looking for. I have finished series one. But, if you stop getting trades, let me know who you are most looking for. :)
    Aww I'm so sorry :( That's horrible!
    Get well soon :(

    Ugh I have been refreshing the shop all day and when I go out to get some food I miss it :(
    Aww :(
    That's good :)
    If you don't mind me asking, what do you have? And of course you don't have to answer this if it's private :)
    Yeah same! I wanted Monique so bad hahah! About the font, i think they did that in order to fit all the extra translations on the card or something
    Okay let's hope for the best! I also found out that the NA and EU cards have a slighty different text font but nothing major
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