The Pennifer

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  • Anytime! & Absolutely not lol, I'm pretty sure I went thru 20 pages just to see all the dog memes. XD
    It was just an great idea for a contest and I really hope you do more in the future! ♡
    Hi~ You love dogs so that automatically makes you awesome.
    Your puppy is so cute! I have 5 dogs and they're all my babies, two of them are actually police dogs tho they're not able to ring bells for food... More like they jump on you until you get the picture...
    I kinda wish I had your training skills. XD
    Anyways, your giveaway was so adorable and generous, you definitely deserve all these kind words and I hope you enjoy your day even tho you're being spamed like crazy!! ^-^
    Haha look at all this spam Mantis has stuck you with.

    Anyways~ im also here to spam!

    Youre always super duper nice to people,
    And you are always hosting amazing giveaways
    And and and someone should do a giveaway where only you can enter.
    Then you would win. And it would be a nice change. Cuz u would be getting the nice.

    Anyways youre super! Okay.
    Das Boop, I love you <3 or DO I, I think Mantis does, he does it in your name :p
    Welp, have a FABULOUS day
    Mantis is the nicest.
    They're always giving away stuff left and right haha.

    But I think you can come up with something!
    Contributing to the flooding of your VMs here! I remember enjoying writing for your OC a bit ago! I'd like to do something like that again.
    I wanted to say more but im super tired xo

    and, that picture of lulu and the winners was omg so cute
    Hahah xD yes...?
    That is funny, she must have been like "MY KIND?! THEY'RE CALLING?? YES!!"
    Np, I really appreciate kind, fun ppl. Shows me that not everyone in this generation has gone dumb xDD
    So i know someones doing a giveaway for tbt bells, and its actually perfect because i was going to tell you how ADORABLE your dog is! she looks so well behaved lol. both my dogs are not quite so smart, i have a boston terrier and a pitbull, and neither would let me put glasses on them. theyd just push it right off. Have a good night!
    Haha, knew he was gonna do this xD
    Enjoy the years of spam, lol :3
    You're a good person, you deserve the //spam// *cough, I mean, praise for being awesome!!
    Also, one last one.. Dunno if you know this YTer, but he was recently in the hospital and moments after he got home, these cuties welcomed him ~
    Hi! I saw that you were giving away some TBT from a giving away thread (did that make sense lol) and that's extremely kind of you <3
    Thanks for doing this~
    It's very sweet of you to give away your TBT! :) Thank you so much for the giveaway. I don't know if we've ever talked but I can tell you're a nice person! Hope you're having an awesome day.
    hey, thanks for being such a wonderful person. You are so sweet and your giveaway was didn't ask for anything other than cute puppy things! c: haha
    Thanks for being here and I hope you and Lulu have a great day!
    Hehe, alright. I've entered. :)

    *Opps I just noticed I wrote You've as I've in the last message. My bad #/\#*
    Haha, do you want me to? I haven't entered because IDK if its fair for me to enter. You've helped me out a lot.
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