The Pennifer

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  • Oh gosh, thank you that's so sweet of you to say! and thank you for your donation it is kindly appreciated!! 6 more entries for you! :D good luck

    You really need them! I hope you can get thru this terrible time. I'm so sorry! If there is anything I can do please let me know. I'm invisible most of the time but I'm usually here for a few hours every night.

    Please take care of yourself and your loved ones. <3
    Awww, you're welcome. ;-;
    Haha...yeah. ♥♥♥♥
    I'm really sorry, if you need anything from me ask. I want to do anything in my power to cheer you up.
    Hehe, well its good to know. It's the same here. I contribute big time? I always thought they were small compared to others. But its good to know you really do treasure things.
    You're welcome, anytime. *hugs*
    Oh my, I am so sorry...
    Man I can't imagine the pain you are going through right now... is there anything I can do to cheer you up (beside peach flavoured happy pills)?

    I love you too, and I hope better times for you and your family.
    ROFL. You're welcome. :)
    Dismal? Are you ok?

    *can't find a good gif*
    Seriously, you're welcome. ;D
    LOL, yup!
    It's no problem, now love that attack somehow that won't fade.... IDK..... err...
    ....when I use my special attack my butt glows and shots neverending glowing peaches..... I gave you the best of the bunch.
    Hehe, but you didn't answer my question dear. Do you like peaches, are you looking for a peach?
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