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  • I will open Infinity now, if I don't respond right away it's because I have my other 3ds open for a quick giveaway to clear my plaza in my cycle town. If you want to come to that my fc for that town is 4957-5990-8979, the town is called Cyclevil. There is mostly gyriods, unassessed fossils, a few ores and 2-3 event items.
    Just VM when your ready, I must have just missed you. I will keep checking back every half hour or so. :)
    I will be on and off all day so very sorry for not being on after 3 pm I got very sick and had to go to the ER.
    I can only display two at the moment, because I havent made the dollhouse yet. I have to go to bed afterwards >.<
    Hmm, I made the japanese dress a short sleeved one 15tbt. The dollhouse dress is sleeveless 10tbt. And I will probably make the shirt longsleeved 15tbt.
    So in a total, 40tbt :0
    I haven't made it yet, because I was unsure if you wanted it or not. >.< But I made that japanese dress thing. Still havent made the shirt though.
    FloatyFlare - Order ready
    Kk sonata 3200
    King Kk 3200
    Kk chorale 3200
    Kk western 3200
    Only me 3200
    Kk rally 3200
    Kk oasis 3200
    Kk D and B 3200
    Kk Gumbo 3200
    Snow boots 800
    Steel toed shoes 620 = 30,200 + fee = 35,000
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