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  • She's about, just not on TBT. Like alot of people really.
    As I'm active, mine should totally be made first. ;D
    *becomes so popular that it becomes a night club with all them youngin's bumpin' and grindin' on your grave&

    And no, it makes you extremely awesome. Did you ever play ham ham heart break?
    Hmm, I don't really know for sigs. I've been really happy with my Rapidash one Jas0n made me ages back.
    If you do have the time, I'd reckon Deus Ex: HR would be nice as we spoke of it recently too. Thanks man, it's no rush either.
    -late reply is late-
    Arkham was pretty epic. It seemed a bit short. Dunno if it actually was, or if I just flew through the story too fast, but it has a bunch of side missions and stuff to keep busy afterwards. I need to get around to doing those, actually.
    I wish I had the patience to actually make a character that looks like me. That'd be awesome. Not a spitting image, but at least to a point where it looks a little like me.
    Sounds good.
    All the people in ME look the damn same anyway. Seriously, there's about 3 different faces with all the haircuts and scars laid over.
    Fair enough, as long as we can play that's alright by me.

    I want to go through all three games one after another, using the same Shep. You know, beat ME1 with all the good stuff still alive. ME2, all the cool people still alive. etc.
    So they wouldn't mind a friend invite/playing with some brit? :p
    Not bad.
    I don't mind if I have to replay something, usually.. and achievements are just like a nice bonus. :D
    He was just kicking my ass. That and I think I had other games I was playing at the time, was busy.. I dunno.
    Sounds good to me, how're the parents with playing with strangers? I mean, we're amigos.. that's different.
    Louis in L4D1, Coach in L4D2.

    Whaat?! That glitch sounds an *******, I'd would have gone through the whole game and lost it? No thanks. Good thing I started over. I was going for Hard pacifist... yeah, it's not that fun. I'm enjoying it alot more now. Yeah, I stopped playing for ages, I'd reached the first "Boss", couldn't beat him so I stopped.

    I'm in a pinch now!
    All those games and still you don't want to play with me, not even one game. I understand bro. *sniff*
    That's always the perk with playing with bad people, you're so much better.

    I've been sticking with games I have mostly, playing through Deus Ex, with a bit of Killing Floor/Star Wars Battlefront 2.
    My pay? You cheeky monster, I'm not telling you that.
    Hey there. I'm doing great thanks, work is good but getting busy.
    Not a whole lot else is going on, trying to keep my head down and get by.
    What about yourself?
    So that game Mario Kart is coming out. Let's swap friend codes seeing as I don't think we have yet:

    3737 - 9525 - 5772
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