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  • Haha yeah, just working hard and doing my best to earn a job. Or at least so they consider me later on perhaps.

    Ugh.. bugs!
    Ole! I've been here for enough years and I'm one of the older ones, sometimes that might be hard to tell. :3

    Pretty good, I've recently got a work experience going on at the local hardware/DIY store. I'm there for 6 weeks and this is the middle of my third. All I've really been doing is helping customers and putting back returns. May not sound like alot, but it gets busy! (wednesday are OAPs discount day.. so they come in drones.) Other than that it is normally quiet.
    Aside from work, it's much of the same.. except with the added "Oh man, I'm so tired from work. Cannot be bothered to move." Doing well.
    How about yourself?
    We didn't do much sightseeing really, cuz we go there every year. It's very uh... the same. 8D

    Hey that counts, vacation is vacation! c: Did you go anywhere exciting?
    I think I'm gonna miss it, but them's the breaks, I guess! <:L

    pretty much eat, watch tv, and ride bikes. xD Pretty uh, relaxed

    are you gonna go on vacation sometime this summer? O:
    That does sound irritating, glad it's working alright now! I'd try it out but I'm addicted to Ocarina of Time at the moment >D

    I'm good! =) Just got back from vacation, it was pretty relaxing until I had to take a gazillion mile bike ride. How about you?
    Yeah, Ocarina's pretty fab! :D :D

    but you should totally finish it when you get the chance, by the time you get to Benezia you're almost done >:)
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