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  • Still not got started on kotor, I have other games to beat for now.
    Aaand not gone back to DQ yet. I will!
    Seriously, it'll be fine.
    I don't like going on these courses, or going to interviews. I am a nervous wreck mostly, for the interviews anyway.
    (courses it's more... these people are in the same boat as me, let's see if there are any pretty ladies. :3)

    Things will work themselves out, just be willing to shovel some crap every now and then.
    Ah okay, sometimes no games have any balance.

    Oh my! Happy birthday you little scamp. Or rather, big scamp. *ruffles hair*
    No I'm just kidding, hope you have a good day.
    As for the outside world.. you'll be fine.
    I did always enjoy Metroid Prime Hunters. Not sure how many "good" fps games there are on ds.

    It was a Sci-Fi.. cover based.. flying.. shooter. You'd have to look it up, it's crazy lol.
    How was that like?

    I had Dark Void on 360, reviews were bad and people didn't seem to like it. However I really enjoyed it! Really my kind of game.
    Ahh, fair enough. I'll try to stick it out for it. It seems like a good game, and you've praised it nicely.
    Well I'm sure there are enough quests and such to keep me busy without the extra stuff.
    May try it out. Shame my new router hates my DS.
    But yeah, I just have to find the time to work with it and get through the junk.
    Yeah, that one.
    And yeah, I know RPGs tend to be really slow at first.. I'll see how it goes soon.
    Well as I meant to say awhile ago.. I got DragonQuest on DS.

    Yeah... not feeling it right now, going to give it some time to grow on me. It better!
    ..I just read that whole thing with Andy. :|

    Yes Andy, I am def. in love with Brandon. That's why I tell him how much I hate him everyday. <3
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