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  • Dude, happy late late late late birthday. =D
    I liked the old tbt where birthday threads were made seperately.
    Hope you had a good one.
    I hope they're all okay. I wish I was there, helping ): I was just sitting there watching the news and then I was like omg brandon's japanese, so I came here.

    I'm sorry again for missing it.
    and I'm not that old |:<
    I am so incredibly sorry.
    Happy Bleated Sweet Sixteenth Birthday! I hope it was wonderful :)
    You're as old as me now though.. O:

    I know I'm sorry!!
    I actually just came on here because I realized something.
    Do you have family in Japan?? D:
    Oh my God, everything going on there and just. D:
    If you do, praying that they're okay and safe.

    Anyways do you wanna just give me your email or add me on fb or something?
    Sorry been off tbt. ;_; I had no idea!
    It is a bit gross at times. I'm enjoying it, jumped a few times. But it gets obvious at times.
    Alot of Black Ops lately, doing quite well. Along with some Dead Space 2, doing quite well also.
    Alot of Black Ops lately, doing quite well. Along with some Dead Space 2.
    Still not got started on kotor, I have other games to beat for now.
    Aaand not gone back to DQ yet. I will!
    Seriously, it'll be fine.
    I don't like going on these courses, or going to interviews. I am a nervous wreck mostly, for the interviews anyway.
    (courses it's more... these people are in the same boat as me, let's see if there are any pretty ladies. :3)

    Things will work themselves out, just be willing to shovel some crap every now and then.
    Ah okay, sometimes no games have any balance.

    Oh my! Happy birthday you little scamp. Or rather, big scamp. *ruffles hair*
    No I'm just kidding, hope you have a good day.
    As for the outside world.. you'll be fine.
    I did always enjoy Metroid Prime Hunters. Not sure how many "good" fps games there are on ds.

    It was a Sci-Fi.. cover based.. flying.. shooter. You'd have to look it up, it's crazy lol.
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