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  • lets just say... i messed up trying to homebrew something.. also whats ur discord again
    lol in seattle theres been a lot of protesting and fighting because there was some trump rally and alex jones came to visit so everyone was chasing them like they were prey.

    i just wanna go watch a movie man and all of a sudden BAM theres tear gas in the streets and people screaming at the police

    one good reason to not go outside tbqh!
    Dude I heard there was a failed bomb attempt in your city (i think you live there i just remember something about sports and ****). Damn.

    Bombs are so freaky...
    tbh i stopped going outside, partly bc my paranoia was so bad and the other half was that i was so depressed. i p much just played games all day and talked to friends or watched documentaries. idk what id do without my phone as lame as that sounds.

    idk i feel kinda lame that i forgot how to live or stuff.. like i dropped out of all my clubs. also i moved schools and i made 0 friends really at my new school even though i had chances and people came up to me.. i just didnt want to talk to them bc i felt embrassed. rip

    i saw the game but i had no idea what was going on in baseball lmao
    yeah, no phone or personal electronics. ill be able to use a computer eventually. i might get my phone back after i prove ive made enough progress.

    for the time being my only contact are skype calls at selected times and phonecalls. my dogs a total baby and everytime im gone for more than a day he stays by my door and wont leave. i worry he will take me being gone for a year badly

    and aw. i hope things get better. do you still watch baseball? i saw a mariners game a while ago. i had no idea what was going on lmao. hopefully things look up for you
    hmmm usually most of them are 9 months but this ones a bit different and does a more uh, new approach which requires a bit more time. its a recently opened place, opened like 2 yrs ago.

    only thing im worried is that some of the board members on there worked at previous mental health faclities where teens actually died under their care. not from like suicide but like they were sick and dying and they were left there.

    im hoping things have changed or maybe its not like that but i dunno. if im not out by 2 and a half years maybe im dead lul.

    im mostly going to miss watching my friends games and talking to people and playing my own games and my dog i think. but i am excited to get a second chance at assimilating into society again and pulling my grades back up

    how has the last year or so been treatin you thunder? do you still clean houses lol
    basically its like a private boarding school but focuses on mental health recovery

    i go through a year long therapy program that intergrates elements of "The Hero's Journey" and the "Stages of Grief" and something something ill be able to apply that to myself and move on from my trauma

    they also have horse therapy, so ill be paired with a horse thats like me and will learn to grow up with it and ride it eventually deal with its death.

    meanwhile ill be attending school with other teenage girls with ptsd. ill be able to do my academics at my level which is nice coz every other place doesnt give a **** and makes you do some dumb ****.

    ill basically be living there for most of the year besides holidays and sharing a dormroom
    im leaving to a ptsd treatment center thats somewhat like a private school in utah.

    my grades have fallen i guess last year because i was too depressed to care anymore so my school district is doing something amazing and this is their first time theyve ever done something like this. theyre basically paying for my ptsd treatment out of state.

    it seems pretty cool but ill have limited contact to people besides family which makes me kinda sad but i want to get better and get into a good uni hopefully
    hmmm i am mostly enjoying my freedom and summer as much as i can because im leaving for 1-2 years and wont have much contact with online or irl friends :(
    all of them actually lmao I tried getting the dracoshield from desaix R.I.P

    didja finish it?
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