Goldenapple Jun 23, 2015 Are you sure? Because I had to peel potatoes for Thanksgiving until my hands hurt. >.>
Goldenapple Jun 23, 2015 Ok then now I can say "Congrats!" I didn't want to yell it at you then figure out that you were kicked off for peeling too many potatoes. :3
Ok then now I can say "Congrats!" I didn't want to yell it at you then figure out that you were kicked off for peeling too many potatoes. :3
Goldenapple Jun 23, 2015 Did you still want to be a mod or was it your choice to be a sage? I just realized you aren't a mod anymore.
Did you still want to be a mod or was it your choice to be a sage? I just realized you aren't a mod anymore.
WonderK Jun 23, 2015 Yeah, I suppose I see what you mean. I have a lot of friends here and I do a lot on the site as well. It'd be an unsettling feeling to leave the site.
Yeah, I suppose I see what you mean. I have a lot of friends here and I do a lot on the site as well. It'd be an unsettling feeling to leave the site.
WonderK Jun 22, 2015 Is that because you still have duties to attend to here or because you just love the site too much.
B B Blu Rose Jun 21, 2015 OH MY GOD YOU WERE DEMODDED WHEN I WAS NEDFVR TOLD THSI edit: wait was that today edit edit: okay just read the bell tree direct dang only two people that were mods when i joined are still i think actually 3
OH MY GOD YOU WERE DEMODDED WHEN I WAS NEDFVR TOLD THSI edit: wait was that today edit edit: okay just read the bell tree direct dang only two people that were mods when i joined are still i think actually 3
WonderK Jun 21, 2015 That's great. I thought you were leaving forever and only coming back once and a while to help with the site graphics.
That's great. I thought you were leaving forever and only coming back once and a while to help with the site graphics.
Jake Jun 21, 2015 me when u ignore me about my bf and then turn into sage #conspiracy
me when u ignore me about my bf and then turn into sage #conspiracy
-Apples- Jun 21, 2015 I'm not really used to seeing your name in green. I felt that it was weird today.