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  • hi! i havent been on here in years but i remembered your name, its cool to still see you on staff :] hope you're doing well!
    Yeaaah, it's looking good! Can't believe it's the first console game since City Folk! That's crazy to me...
    Dude, tell me about it. All the memories come flooding back. Some cringy, some awesome haha. I spent a huge chunk of my life on these forums so it seemed right to check back in. Hope to be at least a little more active on here once again. How are things with you, man?
    socksonfire, the chat ran by pally 🤗
    what are you doing up? what’s your timezone?
    i'm leaving it all up - character development and some good mems here and on SoF.
    i definitely remember coloured usernamed bc my old user was 'Emerald' and it was an emerald colour, i feel like i left not too long after that..

    anyway, how are things with you? what's newwwwwww
    i'm seeing the VM history and i'm cringing.

    it was nostalgic when i logged back on, everything looked the same except for its users ahhh..
    Yeah I remember that too, not to brag but I’m quite an upgrade :p
    Aw working retail was the worst, I had to do that for several years, Black Fridays were madhouses. Please don’t get stampeded :(
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