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  • You should've said that in the first place lol at your lame excuses. What made you lazy? The game is fun :(
    Your avatar's from phoenix wright, eh? Dude seems like a badass :p
    PW seems like another series I have to dive into, someday
    Been wanting to try that for a while. After tales, I'll probably pick it up. My 3ds needs some luvin'
    Lol, I did the exact same thing. It sounds like one of those games where the demo sets you in a real awful point in the story.
    Giving tales of xilia a try, since it was on sale. As put off as I thought I'd be, I'm really enjoying it so far. Lightning Returns left a bad taste in mouth, and I needed a good jrpg, haha
    Glad to hear it. And you're not kidding. I just got over something myself, and some family/friends have as well. Some weird february bug, or something @.@
    Been playing anything good gamewise? I hardly see you on psn anymore
    Nuuu uhhh, what makes you say that? Honestly that was the first time ever we hung out in forever! 0: And what, I cant hangout with my awesome daughter? :p
    But I'm sorry for us being sooo feisty, well im sorry for her but we all love her ^_^

    LOL omg horus sent that msg to you down there v
    .... I thought you were nice. I thought we were friends. And you expect me to be nice :rolleyes:

    ANYWAY, as I was saying since like 5 hours ago, be 100 better etc and so you me and neko can play again :D if she remembers us lol. Does she still go on iRC?
    thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. finally, finally, finally!

    that's not a compliment, you worm.
    .... I'm sorry, that was my fault :( Don't rub it in :mad: :mad: :mad: you never answered my question btw...

    and choose one damnit! compliment or insult damnit! (compliment!!!) :mad: :mad: :mad:
    oh.. i get it now.. LOL. sorry sometimes you have to spell it out for me :( you never answered my question btw..


    ok just hearing that sounds so painful.. nothing hurts more than emotional pain!!!!
    uhm?? thunder?? wrong send?? im confused what are you tring to tell me??? are we in the same conversation???
    you still didn't answer my question though :( what kind of uhm absent-minded (is that the word) person are you????

    and.... no... im hurt now... what I meant was, if you were gonna call me lovable anyway, just say "ya lovely person <3" or something!! but wow frick u for the moron -_-
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