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  • A couple of years ?!? You cwazy. I will literally buy you enough pocky for a year & ship it to your house.

    Yesh, I am a nice person. {:
    LOL. It's true. C: That's the only job I would want to wake up early for.
    I'm having yummy pocky. Are you jelly in the belly? I can consider sharing wif you.
    Really? Do tell. Save me from this early morning nightmare. <|3
    I've already considered selling myself, so .. :{
    I fell asleep, because work today again. I wanted to come back in to say goodnight at least, but I couldn't keep my eyes open.

    Lol. :'D There, there. I'm not as bad as my biography makes me look, I promise.
    {:O <- That is my halo shining brightly.

    Boop, got your nose.
    Take a look at gd and the otp thread when you wake up. <3 hue hue hue. Also get away from my bugs :).
    Okay I didn't mean Elsa, I'm Elsa. You're the troll from Frozen. :lemon:
    okay i googled it and i'm so confused. HAHAHAHHA

    you are trolling me THATS IT UR NOT the Mrr. POTATO from ts, you're
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