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  • asdfghjkl;;;; you have pretty good taste in guys, both are hot tbh *Q*

    Wait what does? Thunder?

    And yeah you can go for Dolly, see how that works. But don't you often get mistaken for a girl when you have a girl? hahaha..
    Hahaha, you always have girl avatar (or so you said), i think idk. Godot fits Thunder more. Or no wait, actually even Fran fits Thunder. Tsk for badassnessess.

    Now you just made it sound like a presidential campaign slogan, you're really weird.

    And also, kind of your fault because you have him?? *Q*
    ok i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry but pls pls pls

    oh pls o'mighty thunder don't make my bby stare at me like that

    it makes me feel 100x ******** and how terrible that pun was pls forget that ever happened curse whoever made up p u n n y damnit they suck!!!! (almost used capital oops)
    kind of bc i was trying to think of better ones, but i got nothing so ended up with punny, pretty funny right right :cool: :cool: :cool:

    you're the baaaaaaad one here, can't even laugh at punny, c'mon that's funny!!!! that's why it's so used!!!
    yea, uhm, either you shouldn't use a ton'a smileys :cool: or you need some practice because you're putting 'em all at the wrong places. but thunder with smileys is really couu~~~~uul. :>

    hahaha you're a better punner than i thought, pretty impressive *throws flowers on you or something*

    ok u know what i tried it took me a while to come up with that ok laugh at it!!!!!!!! :mad:

    do exclamations count as yelling because typing with no capital is pretty hard so i hope the !!! didnt kill my msg
    i won't use capital letters on you again (I'll try) so r we frenz

    Edit: i'll* try oops let's start over sorry that was autocorrect
    Cmon, you gotta admit that was pretty funny (punny for short) dude idk anymore that was lame but you made it 10x better hahaha I got no puns in return :( I tried tho *star halo on me*

    WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT I TRY NOT TO YELL LIKE RIGHT NOW IM TRYING BUT YOU JUST HAD TO SAY THAT AND NOW I CANT STOP MYSELF GEEZ ok sorry but most of our conversation is you being emotionless and or raining/storming/thundering on my wonderful beautiful parade but sorry anyway :)
    Rain? Storm? Idk you're a thunder

    Hahaha again, I'm so funny :^) you get it right
    i should've known I thought we were finally having a proper conversation but no0o0o you always rain on my parade
    Kk, no I'd rather have my heart turn into a stone. They sweat too much ): Hahahaha when Gaspen ran though and Winston's objection! hurt my ears.

    Easy, maybe the Payne bros? Easy win for you since you like to win a lot or som
    Yuhhh, I think all the prosecutors are pretty badass besides the Payne bros. Right now even Blackquill is taking me over
    *cries oh my god why are you scarring me stahhhhp

    that took so much effort

    she's pretty tho tbh thank you but no thank you (◡‿◡✿)

    And I love Wright but I love Edgey more??
    at least you can see and read it
    at least you can see and read it
    at least you can see and read it
    at least you can see and read it
    at least you can see and read it
    at least you can see and read it
    at least you can see and read it

    that enough for you to see? :lemon:

    It's Detective Gumshoe to you!


    Ok no why do I have to be a guy, I'm a girl Thund [IMG]

    do i have to write girly in pink with sparkles and butterfly to prove it
    Sorry, pal. You just kind OF BROKE MY HEART AND COUNTING but that's okay you know, because I think we won right
    Thunder..... I.... Know how to count ok....

    You can't be talking because you can't count anyway at all. All you know is zero zero zero!!!

    That does it!! :mad: That adds to the list!!! :mad:
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