Hullo: Welcome back & Soleil magically transferred herself from auto-void to boxes! She's in Hokkaido, pls add the correct FC, and I'll open shortly. Thanks!
To anyone, I've been a little absent from the forums lately because I'm getting ready to be a counselor for a summer camp which starts monday... As such I will be even more absent all summer, but hope to come back to the forums in August!
About 50TBT should be good. ^.^ that covers the Metal Coat and a little bit of time it took to breed them. If you are ready trade Scyther to me I'll attach the metal coat and send it back your way. ^.^
Ok heading online! ^.^ just to let you know the parents of the two you wanted the specific abilities for did have the correct abilities. But, if one or both end up with the wrong ability I can quickly breed you another one for no extra cost. ^.^