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  • Given that we only have seven players and discussion will likely be minimal because of that, yes
    Btw, since it's only 7 players, are we gonna keep it 48/24 or change to 24/24?
    Did a quick check and we still need confirmation from Kat and Heyden. If we don't hear from them in 24 hours, I suggest turning it into a dethy 7 and changing the thread title to reflect it
    Hey Toads, If there arent any outs that I'm not aware of, we have nine players. This would be perfect for the setup I talked about. I say quick start after confirmation from the people who haven't confirmed
    No, sorry. Do you think you could postpone it just 1 more week? A lot of people seem to be testing rn.
    I'm sorry I really would like to join but I don't have the time right now :( I hope it turns out great though, good luck!
    no ;-; actually forget it all my collectibles are trash,thanks for taking interest tho
    Ooh, I see you selling the Zen and Sakura egg for 1,500 TBT! What's the latest I could purchase? c:
    would you take anything else for the poptart egg? (not tbt cuz i'm almost broke and in debt D:)
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