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  • i just guess im the odd one and dont find it funny
    though i do love the meme of "saltbabe" now him was good
    Pineapple bed was my go-to in Wild World.
    I remember just having like a pineapple bed and tons of apple TVs.
    Silly younger Stepheroo, nobody needs that many TVs.
    hi! I was wondering how much you would want for your pumpkin cupcake collectible? Same with your voodoo doll one?
    *let me do that again*

    Every homo sapiens sapiens from both XY chromosomes currently located at this moment in the room of this television show which i will catalog them as a human that would have sexual intercourse with any other human that is part of the world are doing the action of expressing mirth, pleasure, derision, or nervousness with an audible, vocal expulsion of air from the lungs that can range from a loud burst of sound to a series of quiet chuckles and is usually accompanied by characteristic facial and bodily movements.
    Excuse me! , would you mind partaking in a small skirmish outside these buildings perimeters at a giving time and date given both our agreeances and upon each others convenience? I would like to settle the score by combating each other in a fair and even fight, even though one of us may experience pain and discomfort in a matter of moments, but it is the only way I can release my anger and hatred justly.

    In other words : Cash me outside howbow dah

    i reread the rules for the fourth time and I think I get it.
    still only confused about if post merging would cause disqualification or not.
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