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  • No prob! I completed the WA set a while ago and still have extras I don't need so always ready for a nice trade!
    Your inbox is full...but too late. Already did :p
    Had extras of all of them. Still have more extras of Piper and Sylvana honestly lol.
    not much. my dad bailed on christmas visitation this year after he promised he would do it and now im mad. but ill live. probably. how are you?
    You are SO welcome!! I am sooo happy you're inspired!! :D :D Congrats!!

    Merry Christmas!! <3
    Puns for days. I'm making my entire team of cute Pokemon, themed after puns having to do with bad things. I have:

    No Mersea(Mareanie), Pandamonium(Bewear), Bootality(Mimikyu), Mushdoom(Niioctic), Deveggstator(Oriocorio), and Grim Leafer(Decidueye).
    Lmao, that name is perfect! I had a hard time thinking of something, and named my Mareanie "No Mersea".
    I think quick link is for players in very close range. I'm currently looking through the Festival Plaza, since that also has trading...
    I'm not really sure how to trade on the new game, but if you walk me through it, I'll help you evolve your Pokemon for free lol. It'll probably only take like, a minute.
    I think that's a bit too much imo for now but I'll get back to you if I decide to get one if it's still available.
    Man you must have ticked the spirits off or something lol, I would try contacting a mod but you're probs fine cuz I can still see your post for the orange candy ;)
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