Dorian Feb 1, 2016 Toads, I need food, so I am going to go whip up some pancakes. And by that I mean put them in the microwave, lol. But I will be back soon
Toads, I need food, so I am going to go whip up some pancakes. And by that I mean put them in the microwave, lol. But I will be back soon
Dorian Feb 1, 2016 I absolutely still want her! Just shoot me a message when you are ready and thank you!!
DarkDesertFox Feb 1, 2016 Your victories were well deserved man! I just got tired the last couple of games which is why I didn't notice my grab spamming. Good games!
Your victories were well deserved man! I just got tired the last couple of games which is why I didn't notice my grab spamming. Good games!
DarkDesertFox Jan 31, 2016 No problem! Sorry about the excessive grabbing with Robin that one match. I noticed I was doing it too much. My brain is pretty tired right now I guess, haha.
No problem! Sorry about the excessive grabbing with Robin that one match. I noticed I was doing it too much. My brain is pretty tired right now I guess, haha.
Zigzag991 Jan 30, 2016 Would you be up for some doubles with Puffle, myself, and DarkDesertDox assuming he says yes in around an hour?
Would you be up for some doubles with Puffle, myself, and DarkDesertDox assuming he says yes in around an hour?