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  • WHAT I tt'd to Lobo's moving day and he was gone! Ugh I'm so sorry! Do you want bells instead or any items? Oh my god I'm so sorry I don't know what happened :( You can keep Chevre.
    Alrighty! So when you come to pick up Lobo, just bring the turnips with you and drop them off, go back to your town and tt to Chevre's box day! Thank you again! remember not to tt at all when you have my turnips >< omg I'm so paranoid AHHH
    So I'm dropping off the turnips first? Thank you so much! I just can't afford to lose them; I invested like 99k ><
    can you come take Lobo first? I have too many villagers >< But before you do that, i'd have to drop off the turnips at your place but dont tt so then I'll set my time back to normal after you pick lobo up, take my turnips back and you can tt to chevre's moving day and I'll pick her up and that's it! (I know it's a process, sorry about that!) Or we can just wait until my friend gets home and takes my turnips XD I keep on accidentally psting the visitor messages onto my profile !xD
    okay! dont tt to the moving day just yet; i still have to drop my turnips off at a friends town before i tt to lobo's moving date. unless you tt to her moving day and will let me keep my turnips in your town for a while ? :)
    okay! send me another message when you're ready! I might take a while because I have to give my turnips to my friend so they won't rot when I tt
    Yay! so what you do is tt two days into the future and then tt back to the current date and one of your villagers should long you and tell you that they want to move. Keep doing that until it's chèvre and then tt to te date she tells you she's moving and she should be in boxes
    Yeah so uh I hate to rush you but I need you to pick up Lobo and give me Chevre soon since I have a bunch of trades waiting as well. Sorry again for the rush but yeah
    Lobo is ready to move out on the seventeenth but I can make it today. Is Chevre ready?
    Okay :)
    So I'll message you again when Lobo is ready (you're the one that wanted lobo, right?) Correct me if in wrong lol XD I have a bunch of trades so it's hard to keep track >.<
    I added you so we can trade eventually and I'll message you when Lobo is ready to move out :)
    ps: add me back please hehe
    Hiya! It's almost been a month some since you took Skye, so just checking, is Stinky ready to move yet? =o
    Hey hon I hope you don't think that I won't give you your items but I was just waiting for one of the winners to be available. I have work today so I won't be on until 5pm eastern pacific time so I can give you your prize then! I look forward to trading with you! :)
    Yea open your gates. (Your inbox is full, don't forget to delete sent messages too)
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