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  • Audino (F) lv.1 6iv bold regenerator Sweet kiss, yawn, encore, and wish luxury ball Treecko (M) Lv.1 6iv Timid Unburden Dragon breath, leech seed, leaf storm, and endeavor Friend ball Porygon (N/A) Lv.1 6iv Timid Download Conversion, tackle, conversion 2, and sharpen Pokeball IGN:Noah
    Hello! Whenever you're back in business, I wanted to ask if you still had a shiny 6IV Fennekin, 6IV Beldum, and Froakie? I'd love to purchase those from you. If so, what's your price? Let me know and thank you! :)
    Thats weird im online and have seen you this whole time (figured you were busy))

    How much for mew and then ill start a trade!

    Sorry about that!
    Yes please!! ♡
    If you have a cyndaquil too I can take him (my bf said the names not necessary, it would just be funny)
    Let me know when you're available. I'm still very interested in the Genesect. I'll be (invisible) just in case.
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