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  • I've only met two people: one I had streetpassed with at a restruant, and one whom I seem to constantly streetpass at wal mart.
    Yeah, it is. There are way more facial features for mii's. Plus, you can just take a snapshot of yourself and your mii will have your face. (or atleast a face that is similar to yours). It seems like Mii's have a much bigger role on the 3DS, considering that you need one in order to play Streetpass Mii Plaza, where you get to be a king/queen that gets kidnapped and you need the help of other heroes(people that you have a streetpassed with, or a hired dog/cat/bunny mii that you can get by spending play coins you earn.) Also, in nintendogs + Cats, it appears that you're playing as your mii, and you get to meet other miis who have their dogs out.
    Okay. Cool. Plus, there's gonna be three different colors in september: Cosmo Black, Aqua Blue, and Flame Red. I have Aqua Blue, but I sorta wish I could get hands on either the Cosmo Black or Flame Red, just to see what it actually looks like in reality.
    YOU SURE DO! There's a price drop, so it's alot cheaper than it was the first time it came here. Get it for Xmas! Or your birthday...
    The Winter looks lovely with it's powdery whiteness and the lamppost light being covered in snow. The snow looks more like...snow, then just a white grass pattern...LOl.
    Yeah, that's a first! Winter was so boring in Animal Crossing: Wild World, but now, the snow is pretty and powdery, and hopefully, there'll be alot more things to do in that season!
    I can't really say for sure since I have resetted/time traveled in the game so many times in completely different seasons.
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