cannedcommunism Oct 5, 2014 FireNinja1 said "tokay" dissed that one ship, and I assumed it was you. But sorry, I'll have to berate FN1 about that. And I cleared my PMs out.
FireNinja1 said "tokay" dissed that one ship, and I assumed it was you. But sorry, I'll have to berate FN1 about that. And I cleared my PMs out.
cannedcommunism Sep 23, 2014 I heard you were a good RPer, and I'm starting kind of a prequel to my old RP Dark Veil, so I was thinking you could join…? If you don't get anything that's happening, you can ask somebody to fill you in. I heard you were a good RPer, and I'm starting kind of a prequel to my old RP Dark Veil, so I was thinking you could join…? If you don't get anything that's happening, you can ask somebody to fill you in.
heichou May 2, 2014 tch. i was hipster before it was cool. being hipster's too mainstream now anyways. *sips brewsterbucks frappuccino contently*
tch. i was hipster before it was cool. being hipster's too mainstream now anyways. *sips brewsterbucks frappuccino contently*