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  • oh no, resetti. I'll put your flowers out by the station if that easier ;) 5 minutes then the gates are open again..
    My gates are open right now! ^.^ You can leave your payment of the items (stepladder, golden man, microscope, watermelon chair, slide puzzle) at the station, then I'll lead you to the beach, where your flowers are stored :D You can run freely between the beach and the lockers, as long as you mind the flowers on your way :3
    I see you're online now, available to pick up your flowers. You were so eager yesterday ^.^ I added your code already
    Hi there, I am deeply sorry that I counted my stocks wrongly. I have not the cacao tree but afternoon tea set. Is that okay? If yes, I will deliver to you the afternoon tea set (instead of cacao tree), shaved ice lamp, box of chocolates, and chocolate heart. If not, I will return back all your TBT. Sorry again for the inconveniences!
    I am having a large trade now. I will be available in 20-30 minutes. I will let you know then!
    Hello there! Cacao tree, shaved ice lamp, box of chocolates, and chocolate heart are 4 items so that will be 40 TBT ^_^ I have returned your 10 TBT extra.
    I'm sorry if you're not happy with the time it takes.. As you can see in my thread, I have a lot of orders going on right now and if breeding was so easy, people would really be doing it themself, huhuh x3
    But seriously, I breed hours a day and still have to cope with college as well. Last weeks I haven't even played my main town cuz I'm so busy breeding. :( I hope you can understand.. I'll message you once your order is ready (You were actually the next on my list to breed..since I don't have a stock and breed everything real time....) If you can't wait any longer, I'm sure there's other shops out there you can buy from ^.^
    sry but your order is no full ready D:, pls read the rulers, tomorrow your order is ready ><, ill let a mark of you payed
    I need to get some signatures from your villagers, if that would be okay with you? o:
    Hi! I don't need the regal wall but the other items would be awesome! I'm ready when you are. I'll pay with a bag of 99k to make things easier? c:
    Ah no wonder I couldn't find it, it wasn't on my list. XD

    I have creepy bat stone and creepy cauldron.
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