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  • Oh shoot I forgot to change the item
    I'll put on a pigeotite after this, sorry about that
    good news lol. Found a way to get magikarp to work, and cacnea can have drain punch too.
    Welp that solves a lot

    (still editing tho)
    I think I forgot to edit cacnea lol
    I'll fix it while I do the others then
    Yep. Be sure to click the button at the bottom right corner (incase this is your first time)
    Correct though, yes :)
    Do you have pokebank lol? I think you can use poketransfer to get them on there but I'm not sure
    Well budew and sigilyph were perfectly fine. Just the cacnea and magikarp

    but yeah if you get the cacnea/magikarp with those moves in oras, I can make copies and edit them for ya
    I mean another option could be that you trade me those pokemon from X, and I can clone a copy of them for you
    or you trade me those, and I can edit them and give you back the original copy.

    but that'd be fine! just let me know what you want. I'll be free all day tomorrow and today, but the weekend works too!
    hey! I tried for awhile and I just couldn't get magikarp to have bounce or for cacnea to have drain punch.
    let me know if you don't want those anymore because of that

    other than that, lemme know when you can trade
    Apparently you can't buy jack , it's a unique item . I can't gift it to somebody who already has a jack
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