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  • I have someone over to trade atm, but I should be free to visit in a few minutes if that's okay ^^
    let me know when you want me to come over again, i am free for the rest of today and tomorrow but on Tuesday i am out for a few hours :l going clothes shopping lol XD
    Sorry! I was at the door answering to someone, I'll visit your town now to drop off the painting ;;
    Basically IVs cannot be changed, but EVs can. IVs are already determined when hatched. You can count IVs as bonus points. They range from 0-31. They are basically added to your stat once you reach Lv. 100. For example my Latios has 0 IVs in Sp Attack. At Lv. 100 with EV Training, it's special attack is 350 lets say. Compare that to one with 31 IVs in Sp Attack, which will have 381 as it's Sp Attack stat with the same Evs.
    Yup, I got one of those too, except it was a 10 Aniv Celebi, it was hacked to be Lv. 5 but it says met at Lv. 50.

    I'll let you clone Honedge :)
    Wow, way to completely and utterly miss you >_<

    Sorry, I had to watch something for school.
    Maybe we can hangout when you get back on? Or maybe tonight again?
    Ooh, Shiny Honedge, I have one, IV Spread isn't the most desirable though. It's Quiet with 31/xx/31/31/31/31.

    Oh yeah Pokeball Vivillons from GTS... It was really annoying. I saw one and traded for it. When it went in my game, it became a Meadow one :( Immediately after that, I bought a legit one from here.
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