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  • Aw man :( That sucks. Hopefully they come back soon? Also, at this rate, I think I'll just start the weeding game when I have 2 people ready to go.. maybe with a 5-10 minute wait time for the third person. Still, neither one of the two others have replied yet, so you're safe for now.
    Alright, no worries then. I plan on hosting more weeding days in the future, so if things don't work out, hopefully you can join in on one of those :)
    Alright! The other two people in your batch seem to be offline though, so it might be a while. Hopefully they'll log on soon
    Hi! Sorry for the random message, but I just had to ask about the pic in your signature. :p
    How/why does Tom Nook say the loan is 0 bells? XD
    I see. Well this is interesting. It sure is nice to see someone from Miiverse.
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