Unidentified Floor Orange

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  • i have high plains as my native pattern. i cant work on it right now but i will tomorrow !!
    OMG that's so cool! I never knew it was decided on your geographical location! I'll add you right now!
    EDIT: Did I misread what you asked? XD (took out my original response) Are you asking if you can donate yours to me so I can give it away in my giveaway? Or are you asking if I wanna give away my 4th & final Pokeball?

    If the first option: Really?! That's really kind of you. :3 I'd be more than happy to take yours and add it to the giveaway. :D Thank you!!! <3

    If the second option: I wanna keep my 4th and final Pokeball for myself. Sorries. :( I'd say you can enter the giveaway, but you already have one. XD
    Thanks so much! Sorry for not responding earlier, it was my friend's birthday yesterday so I wasn't online xD
    I'll try gifting it back to you to see if we can get rid of the message xD
    I read that in your about me. lol
    I've only restarted once because I did not like my layout and I put my police station in a bad spot.
    No..I actually had no idea what to do with the wheat bundle so I gave it to my villager Rocco.
    Now it is just sitting on his floor.
    Alrighty. How many trees do you need to take down? I'm bringing a regular axe just because.
    Ya never know when you might need it.
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