Kildor Jun 21, 2014 I don't get lunch money, and my parents are abroad so I can't get that much money from my grandmother.
I don't get lunch money, and my parents are abroad so I can't get that much money from my grandmother.
Farobi Jun 21, 2014 Just heard that civ is turn-based... So i probably wont. Ur choice mate. Cs go thooo
Farobi Jun 21, 2014 Dafuq is that i just saw ur convo wtith kildor so idk what civ even was but i recommended it anyways LOL sozz
Dafuq is that i just saw ur convo wtith kildor so idk what civ even was but i recommended it anyways LOL sozz
Kildor Jun 21, 2014 Yeah I guess. Or you could watch some gameplay videos. I heard Civ 5 is pretty good, but the decision is up to you mate
Yeah I guess. Or you could watch some gameplay videos. I heard Civ 5 is pretty good, but the decision is up to you mate
Kildor Jun 21, 2014 Don't Starve is like 4 bucks, Far Cry 3 is like 7 bucks I think, while Civ 5 is 15 dollars. (Everyone in the IRC is going crazy for Civ 5) There are alot of games to choose from that are dirt cheap though
Don't Starve is like 4 bucks, Far Cry 3 is like 7 bucks I think, while Civ 5 is 15 dollars. (Everyone in the IRC is going crazy for Civ 5) There are alot of games to choose from that are dirt cheap though
Kildor Jun 21, 2014 Don't Starve, Far Cry 3, and Civ 5 is pretty hot right now. I'm watching the Steam sales go because I onlu have $0.15 in my Steam Wallet roflmao
Don't Starve, Far Cry 3, and Civ 5 is pretty hot right now. I'm watching the Steam sales go because I onlu have $0.15 in my Steam Wallet roflmao
Kildor Jun 20, 2014 Well... I'll miss you *sniff* it was fun while it lasted. Good luck with real life bruh :') Whenever you're bored, come and visit alright? :')
Well... I'll miss you *sniff* it was fun while it lasted. Good luck with real life bruh :') Whenever you're bored, come and visit alright? :')