L L lamomok Apr 23, 2015 Your kagamimochi has arrived! Let me know when you can pop by to pick it up!
CuddleThePumpkin Apr 22, 2015 Hey saturday would be good (your inbox is full) and also if you would like I can make you a sig?
rednecklace82 Apr 21, 2015 Hello, your order is ready for pick up, I already added you on my friend list.
CuddleThePumpkin Apr 20, 2015 So sorry I was dozing off, will you be available tomorrow a few hours before this time for a trade?
love_acnl Apr 19, 2015 Hi, i left a reply on your street past posting. Pls msg me when youre available. I am buying everything you have left
Hi, i left a reply on your street past posting. Pls msg me when youre available. I am buying everything you have left
Luna Moonbug Mar 1, 2015 sorry for the wait....waiting for you to open your gate...thanks hanging out with porter atm
Luna Moonbug Mar 1, 2015 your inbox is full BluePikachu47 has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space. pascal set (pirate set) i can sell you the full set..please message me if your interested...thanks
your inbox is full BluePikachu47 has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space. pascal set (pirate set) i can sell you the full set..please message me if your interested...thanks
lizardon Feb 23, 2015 Jacob's Ladders Jacobs ladders: 100TBT for 10 let me know if you are interested
K K kassie Feb 23, 2015 Hi~ Inbox full, would you be willing to buy Jacob's ladders with TBT bells? I have about 50 or so.
Luna Moonbug Feb 21, 2015 BluePikachu47 has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space. omw..thanks for waiting
BluePikachu47 has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space. omw..thanks for waiting