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  • That is just a huge face palm. I'm so sorry they're making you go through that. It's stuff like this that make people believe that they have the power to heal, but don't. They said the same to my mum; when she was wheel chair bound, they refused to help her get an electric wheel chair, because if she's supposed to be trying to walk again, it would be a waste of money. She's half paralyzed. I swear they'll find any reason at the bottom of the barrel to not help and keep their money. You're in my prayers love. It must take a very strong woman to try to overcome this <3
    Are you serious?? It's so ridiculous how insurance companies will try to save their money. It's so heartbreaking, I'm so sorry </3
    Agreed! Are you taking anything for your hands if I may ask? My gramma has the same issue but taking a certain medicine that helps.
    I'd love that too! I've never played Dark Souls before, I've always thought it looked intimidating. But I want to brave up and try it at least! And I love Mario Party, last one I've played was maybe MP 8? I've seen some gameplay, and it looks like fun!
    I'm so glad you won! It didn't seem fair for me to keep both potions. I'll send it without a message then. I'm doing okay. How have you been?
    so are you ready for the next two download code home menus for your love
    cause i'll be sending them to you like tomorrow or later in the day.
    Hehe nothing to be embarrassed about, it's endearing if anything! And nice choices! I think I may be getting the Mario Party and Dark Souls, since my friend wants to play too. It would be a lot of fun! I really hope your hands are well :c
    Lol! Mom Mode is always welcome. And yeah! I really hope AC isn't pushed back. But if it is, I'm sure it's to improve the game, so it's okay in the end. What other games are you thinking of getting?
    LOL omg Val. You would not believe what happened yesterday. And I say this because, WE MUST HAVE THESE POWERS! My friend ordered me a Switch yesterday because he felt bad that I couldn't get one anytime soon, and he and our mutual friend were talking about it all the time. So funny enough, the same day you say this, I got one ;-; omg
    Hi! Just wanted to let you know I put an offer on your thread about Ho-oh/Lugia codes. I am interested in both. I will pay 50TBT total if that's good. Please let me know!
    Whoa your timing! I was just about to answer your PM xD
    Omg really?? AWESOME YAY! It was meant to be lol
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