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  • Harry, your signature is cute! Don't let exams get you down, I'm always around for a chat!
    and i bought a wii u, monster hunter was like $20 and I got excited. went online to check stock and found out why:

    aww thanks for caring - I guess he's going through a tough time atm too but I really needed him :'(
    oh god! I was trying to go to your town, thought you weren t there, i m offline now, thanks anyway!
    Ohmigosh sorry! I was afk doing my hair when you pmed me in the IRC and I felt bad that I wasn't here to answer. xD
    [20:14] * Joins: VillageDweller
    [20:14] <~Jubs4> bye
    [20:14] * Quits: Jubs4 (Quit: Sleep Mode)
    [20:14] <+Bendalf> his words not mine
    [20:14] <VillageDweller> justin i like
    [20:14] <VillageDweller> oh
    [20:14] <+Bendalf> rekt
    [20:14] <VillageDweller> i only came on to say i liked his e3 board
    [20:14] <+Bendalf> LOL
    [20:14] <VillageDweller> ):

    ^LOL'D. GET REKT. he dont luv u.
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