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  • I put .. a lot ^^ (Used to doing it now) There should be another SAO, they left one arc out of the anime =]
    I wasn't saying just a bad thing, it just came from nowhere so I thought it was slightly random ^^
    So, flowery patterns on the outside and random patterns in the insides? Or do you want the solid colors in the insides? Also, would you like it to be a mix of blues like in your pattern?
    I know right! Asuna and Kirito are such a cute couple, and when I saw the image, I had to put it as my signature! :3
    Hey! Its been a long time I think... LOL

    I don't get what everyone's saying about one day to digital release. So let me get everything all straight: Today its June 8 in UK. What everyone is saying is that digital is released tomorrow?
    Its from the Perks of Being a Wallflower movie. ^^ Logan Lerman who plaid Percy in the Percy Jackson movies is the lead Charlie in that movie which is why he's there. :)
    Haha, thanks. c:

    I played MH3 Tri when I was 12 for a while, so it really brought me into the series; and now I can't wait to get my new 3ds xl with mh3u. c:
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