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  • i saw those ghosts u have in ikea today and i really wanted one but £14 seemed too much at the time and now i'm full of regret
    yee those games you actually bought could just be redownloaded so i can just restart those so that's good :3
    Also ye they helped me moving my NNID, only thing now is that I have to restart all the mii plaza games and get all the hats and tickets again because those are tied to the old system thing I think?? but ye I don't mind just those ticket cycling stuff are a bit troll imo xD
    hhhhaha i like how ur username says visibleghost yet ur on invisible mode lmao but thts only bc....ur a ghost XDDD
    I'm available whenever you are for now. I'mm have to go in about an hour to pick up some small humans from school...
    ye they love my blood ;;

    also i got a reply from nintendo but i used the wrong email (i have like 2 for games and one serious so lol ;;) so i gotta resend but good they were so fast i mean some support can go suck golf balls)

    ye i cant swim now bc my period (ye i know you can use tampons but still) so imma just deal with nintendo today i guess hah
    yee talking about it i think i bot a mosquito bite last night cause i had this itch on my chest ew :/ been kinda good weather here but i feel ya ;;

    tell me about it they love to bite me so hard also the other days we had like lots of beetles like wtf...
    yea i guess it's because some newer games requiring the processor like xenoblades 3d or what that game is but ye it's good you can reverse via them tho ;;
    ye it's a bit lame of them to not include reverse transfer like that. i mean only new software on it is the amiibo thing??

    and ye i hope too ;; hope they can help
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