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  • i feel ya and yea im a bit older than you but tbh as long as they don't act like justin bieber or kpop weebs i don't care that much about the age

    unless it's for woohoo that's another thing.
    ya lol.

    and yeah i guess they are like 9-12 years old fangirls regarding the music ones the least

    ya i suppose :3
    ya figures

    also lol that q&a about kisses "watch out for being kissed by a mafia member then they gunna kill you"
    or he could have more female hormones idk. at least that one sounded more valid than (head)bumps and 11 yo girls lmao
    omg.. 11 really that place is so haywire ;;

    and well even males get smaller boobs so unless they like treated him with some chems it's probably just some fat..
    yeah i think if it's still daniel and annica or what they are named ya in that case they've been there forever ;;
    yeah or ask why their parents don't do it.. umm i guess that's why they ask those people to maybe give them tips or advice ;;

    also apparently it's still the same guys as when I had it that's answering it.. kinda weird tbh
    lol so i read some of the kropp & knopp things on kpwebben cause i was bored.. i like how they answer like really rude sometimes.. "like why don't you want to ask your mom about your boobs".. umm yeah guess why :/
    hah, yeah it's like i wanna write here to get attention don't post critcism // rubber_duck97

    yeah same i mean i can get why people send in stuff but tbh mostly it's just easier going to a doctor or talk to someone idk. but some things are yeah wtf do you even write this
    idk probably their kropp & knopp section or what it was called. also why even write tål inte kritik if you are writing to an open public paper dear god. yeah they were so fun. idk if my library has them but if i stay over at my friends again i need to read them lol
    oh god i wish i kept all my old KP magazines now haha.. some insändare were so lame-o.

    although i read some more recent ones at my friends cause they had some newer it was all like "hiya i got white worms in my butt is it dangerous" "why are crocheting so looked down on" ps. tål inte kritik

    it's like .. yeah first seek a doctor 2nd crocheting is cool, i can't so it tho.
    yeah! haha "ALSO HI I LOVE MANGA PLS BE MY FRIEND tål kritik //weebgurl_98" ps. ahiru means duck in japanese lmao

    yeah i remember this person who had "häng gud" as their signature they got a bunch of angry letters after that lol (it was after they had a punk special with make your own punk style or something lol)
    yeah i guess i was lucky but i don't think it was as heavy submitting back them imo.

    yeah ikr it was all bad jokes like "what do you get if you cross a giraffe and hedgehog" and stuff lol :/

    i kinda liked whatever they called their "insändare" cause people were having stupid debates haha
    once was when you had to submit like april fools pranks and once it was their jokes section "flams" or whatever they called it.
    rip. ahh i was way before that maybe in like. uh 2003 and some years forward lol but then you could only like play and submit things i think idk if they had forums. i actually got published twice lmao
    omg yes i think i was there when it was like, free and you could just play games and submit stuff to the paper itself ;; i remember when they switched to paid and that forum though yea
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