okaimii Aug 15, 2015 Yeah, I'll be free after. And we can do my town this time (excuse the mess though, I restarted my town not long ago).
Yeah, I'll be free after. And we can do my town this time (excuse the mess though, I restarted my town not long ago).
grisHarlequin Aug 15, 2015 I just got home and saw your message! Lucky! VM me when you are available to open my gates.
Valliecat Aug 13, 2015 I can't seem to find the balloon vanity, sorry! In that case the price can drop to 275k ^^ I'll add you right now and open my gates!
I can't seem to find the balloon vanity, sorry! In that case the price can drop to 275k ^^ I'll add you right now and open my gates!
Valliecat Aug 13, 2015 I will try my best to be done with this trade with this person in 5 minutes, it won't take long c: I should be done in 5 minutes.
I will try my best to be done with this trade with this person in 5 minutes, it won't take long c: I should be done in 5 minutes.
pepperini Aug 10, 2015 i'm able to trade rn! just let me add you--can we do it in your town, if thats ok?
koaluna Aug 10, 2015 Sorry I took longer, but I'm at home instead of school so it should work better now. Lemme know whenever you're ready
Sorry I took longer, but I'm at home instead of school so it should work better now. Lemme know whenever you're ready