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  • Yeah, it just seemed like something was missing and that something happened to be a wicked set of fangs. XD
    We have this competiton in Virginia and while were there we go to Yankee candle and an amusement park! Its overnight so we get 2 days off of school and the weekend, so excited for may this year!
    Ive done chorus since 5th grade, Im in t=my high schools advanced chorus so we go to competitions and field trips a lot! SO fun!
    I only go online shopping if the thing i want i cant find at a store, posters, nerd stuff, etc. And i just give my parents my money and they pay with their card, although i am getting a debit card soon. I can wait on HHD but the sooner the better right?
    Yeah the PARCC is a new state test that is now only in 3 states because the others were against it, stupid right? The test is just stupid and we do it on computers and its just awful taking tests like that. So excited for next week since my chorus practices start!
    Yes i have more time, but the PARCC SUCKS your lucky that your state doesn't take it. This month went so fast, before you know it we'll be seniors....
    Thanks! I know ill be doing my best if i get elected. Cant you get HHD online or buy the digital copy?
    Oh my gosh i hate the those types of problems! They suck. I plan on doing the psats in the winter i believe, i also have that stupid PARCC exam and trying to do some college classes. Im doing well plan on getting HHD and had an interview to join student council! Slowly making my way to be president of my class hehe.
    Yes! Are you willing to pay any tbt? It's ok if not it's just that if you would I'd like the transfer done before you pick him up
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