MardyBum May 21, 2015 I have some more trades, sorry so I'll let you now when your order will be ready. Pick up or delivery?
I have some more trades, sorry so I'll let you now when your order will be ready. Pick up or delivery?
MardyBum May 21, 2015 Let me know when youll be able to pick up the sets, my time zone is PST. I am able to trade Thursdays (all day) and most Monday afternoons after 4pm.
Let me know when youll be able to pick up the sets, my time zone is PST. I am able to trade Thursdays (all day) and most Monday afternoons after 4pm.
p e p p e r May 18, 2015 Are you still looking for Rudy? I have him in boxes here: TARDIS Cycling Town
-Apples- May 16, 2015 How much active are you on this site anymore? I would love to see you become a mod.
Simple May 2, 2015 Finished your signature in my shop and please use the html code provided for it is a rule in my shop ^-^. If you would like to ask for the previous signature html code, i would be glad to link it to you through message.
Finished your signature in my shop and please use the html code provided for it is a rule in my shop ^-^. If you would like to ask for the previous signature html code, i would be glad to link it to you through message.