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  • Hi! Your flowers are ready for delivery c: let me know when you can trade
    I'm around, though I'm conducting a few New Leaf furniture purchases so depending on how soon you respond if you log on tonight I might be preoccupied for a few minutes. Just let me know if you're online and we'll figure it out from there.
    If you still need the Kadabra to evolve, is there a general time when you'd most likely be online? For me, it's during the late afternoon and night Eastern Standard Time. If you already managed to, that's fine.
    Sorry we seem to have missed each other earlier. Send a message whenever you're around next, I'll hopefully be able to help. Already added your Friend Code last night, so all I'll need to do is load up the game.
    That's great, my timezone is BST so believe I am 7 hours ahead of you. I can get on during the evening, hopefully by which time you will be awake.
    Hi Vizionari

    Are you still interested in the following items you ordered from my shop?
    alto saxophone, autograph cards, big amp, floor light x5, floor monitor, Fueki stereo, guitar case, silver mic, skateboard rack, snare drum, sound mixer, speaker, synthesizer, sunflower stereo, ukulele, music room wall, music room floor & Pic of K.K Slider. If so, please may we schedule a time for the weekend as I won't have any time off work next week to attend to the 3DS. Hope to hear from you soon :)
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