Rini Jan 23, 2015 Sure! No problem Just message me when you're ready. Ill be on for the next 4 hours or so haha
Cam1 Jan 21, 2015 Thank you! The character is a musician, so I thought it fit pretty well. Plus I am a musician and it makes me feel happy, haha.
Thank you! The character is a musician, so I thought it fit pretty well. Plus I am a musician and it makes me feel happy, haha.
D D daniduckyface Jan 19, 2015 thank you c: got my cake too so my top row is complete..now to decide what i want to do with my bottom row
thank you c: got my cake too so my top row is complete..now to decide what i want to do with my bottom row
-Apples- Jan 16, 2015 By sending multiple PMs to a user, but not get any replies back. The thing here is that if you keep sending PMs to a user, but they don't want to reply, that's harassment. I don't want to do that.
By sending multiple PMs to a user, but not get any replies back. The thing here is that if you keep sending PMs to a user, but they don't want to reply, that's harassment. I don't want to do that.