Yogurt Jun 26, 2014 oh omg I just found out I can get the table through my mail box, so I dont need it anymore, thanks!
sally. Jun 23, 2014 i can trade~ it will be in awhile bc i have lots of orders to fill ;; i hope that's okay!
baconhwang Jun 22, 2014 Hi, please let me know when you can trade Mint's pic for Merengue's! (your inbox was full )
LinDUNguin Jun 21, 2014 Aggh, sorry for the delayed reply! Your town sounds good, and the missing Cabana wall is perfectly fine c: I'll be over in a sec!
Aggh, sorry for the delayed reply! Your town sounds good, and the missing Cabana wall is perfectly fine c: I'll be over in a sec!
LinDUNguin Jun 21, 2014 Hi there, I would be willing to trade the Flower Set for a Cataloguing of your Cabana Series, but sadly I am missing the Tulip Dresser and the Violet Screen. Would you still be interested in trading or no?
Hi there, I would be willing to trade the Flower Set for a Cataloguing of your Cabana Series, but sadly I am missing the Tulip Dresser and the Violet Screen. Would you still be interested in trading or no?