• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • Hi! I just wanted to tell you I revisited your dream address yesterday and I love what you did with the festivale furniture. It still gave me that nice relaxing vibe as when I first visited it. And again am amazed how well thought out and beautifully decorated your island is. 😊 I hope you’re doing well. I’ll send you a reminder about the time and day for prom a day before! Can’t wait to see you 😊
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    Ahh! Meant to respond yesterday but was (somewhat obsessively) experimenting with prom looks and custom designs 😅 Thank you for the lovely compliment. Your island is so great - so much room to run and play and such a feeling in being in a little fantasy town (the word ‘hamlet’ comes to mind - not the villager, the village type😉)

    I may have to order some of your extra festivale stuff, as you can see, I really like decorating with it! It’s just so colorful 🤩
    I'm so glad you had fun trying out outfits. I really loved your outfits! I am never in a rush for a response or even expect one, so take all the time you need :). I meant what I said :)! I favorited it so I can visit it again rather than dig through the threads :). I love your themes so much and the vibe your island has. :) Aw shucks thanks! Next time you're free, I can give you a tour if you'd like. Had I known how long we would be waiting I could've given you a quick tour then.

    If you need the stuff, I can give you a discount or just give you them :). Let me know when you decide. ^^
    Hey! I was wondering if you’re interested in villager bday parties or events with some of my other friends there? Just wanted to know so next time a villager of mine has a bday, I can invite you :). I am sorry for not asking you for Punchy’s bday. ><. I had a dumb worry of bothering you or it making you uncomfortable. I had been thinking for awhile that I haven’t had you over that much and was going to see if you ever wanted to hang out. I felt like it was kinda random saying it like that so I hesitated.
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    No worries! I would love to come in the future, even though it is new and kind of intimidating! I actually always have a hard time contacting people or reaching out because I feel exactly the same as you, like I don’t want to impose. I would love to try playing together some time though! It would be fun and new for me. Thank you for thinking of me, and don’t feel bad. I loved seeing your pics of the party too. What a cute, fun time 🥳
    Understandable! Don’t worry! I never think you’re imposing and wouldn’t think that if you ever made a suggestion or whatnot. 🙂 Of course I say that and I still feel that way regardless if my friends say I’m fine 😅. Sweet! At the end of this month, Pyoopi and I are planning an interesting event if you’re interested. If you are, I can message you more details when it gets closer to the date. :) Until then, if there are any free days where you would want to visit my island and just chill or have a tour, let me know :). No pressure though.
    Hi there! I hope you’re still doing well. Just stopping by to check on some friends. I still haven’t been posting here or playing much of ac but i’ve been getting some messages so will try to come back to check.:)
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    Lovely to hear from you! I have been kind of absent on here too! I still play everyday, but have been trying to get back into my other hobbies too, which is good for my mental health. I also fell into using Twitter, which is not good! Hope you are doing well, and would love to keep in touch from time to time!
    I am doing well; tysm for asking :). If you’d like, I can dm you my twitter name in the event you don’t want to come on to check your messages but want to keep in touch elsewhere; no pressure though. I used to hate twitter but I actually enjoy it for the most part to follow favorite voice actors of mine and get some news about my games and to give feedback. glad to hear from you again :). I definitely would like to stay in touch. Nice hearing from you as well and that you’re doing good. 😊
    Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I have enough snowflakes to buy one more present. If you are still interested in trading, let me know :). No worries if you’re not. I just wanted to let you know as I promised 😊.
    Hi! How have you been? Have you been enjoying the fair? I love your new avatar! It is so cute 🥺. I hope you’re doing well :).
    Thank you for asking! I am enjoying the fair, but trying to not put too much pressure on myself for it. I love my new avatar! The amazing @Snowifer drew it. There are so many talented people on here! Hope you are doing well too. I’ve missed you!
    I’m glad ^.^. Yeah same. Of course, i took a peek in the harv’s studio one and now i feel nervous lol. I know! I’d love to get some more art commissions but waiting on one still and having been posting to get enough tbt saved. We have such an incredibly talented and creative community here ^.^. I’ve had up and down days but overall I’m fine 😊. I missed you as well! I still haven’t found that many threads that I wanted to post in :/. I browse every day though so if you ever need me, feel free to dm me or post on my wall :).
    Hey :). I hope you’re doing okay. I saw you mention about being a bit down and just wanted to check up on you. I’m here for you if you need to talk 🙂; don’t feel pressured though and hang in there.
    Hi! Just wanted to check on you to see if you are feeling better than you were the other day. :) Thank you so much for checking on me the other day even though you were struggling; I cannot express how much that really cheered me up and meant to me. I hope you found something to distract you or help you with your anxiety.
    Hi, thanks so much! I am doing better. The events of the weekend helped. One of the people I need to establish better boundaries with is a coworker, so we will see what Monday brings. I really hate confrontation :(. You’re the best. hope things are looking up for you too! Hoping to get back into being online here more and also picking my hobbies back up. Have a good week, always here if you need anything. 😬 🥰
    I'm glad to hear that. Same here. :) Thanks so much. I'm hanging in there, still under the weather or something like it but mood wise, I'm feeling significantly better. You're too kind to me; thanks though ^^ you're the best as well. I hope your week is a good one and am here always too if you need someone to talk to 🥰😊.
    Just want to say I love your signature! <3 ^^
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    Thanks! I’m still learning how to do stuff like making signatures and using Harv’s island, but having fun so far 😋
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    Your profile picture is the cutest 🥺 Tabby is seriously the best cat. She's so precious!
    Haha! Thank you! I 100% agree on Tabby. It’s hard not to spend all my time stalking and photographing her 😅
    for A G N E S ? ARE U JOKING???? xddddd
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    I can’t even explain it myself! I did just get her on my island after wanting her for months, but yeah, I just don’t know. I love Biff and think Kabuki it one of the objectively best designs. 😅
    I can't believe you xd
    Agnes is a very nice punk poggy piggy though, i must admit - i have her photo... but Frita is the dominant sisterly lol
    Hi! I just wanted to tell you that you don’t need to apologize for writing lengthy posts (sorry for peeking in the discussion);I do the same 🙂. Then again,I do apologize sometimes for writing long posts. I really enjoy reading your posts partially because how detailed and in depth you get. 😊 So, I encourage you to continue being yourself and post away. ^.^
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    Thanks so much! I just always go in meaning to say something ‘real quick’ and it turns into an essay! I’ve heard a lot of jokes about my wordiness throughout my life, so I get a bit paranoid about it. this forum has been a great place to explore the idea of being myself with a group of strangers. i enjoy reading your long thoughtful posts too. I love getting glimpses into other people’s worlds through how they write.
    Also, haha, 420 character limit, my worst enemy 😅
    Thank you as well! :) I ran into the limit too XD. A lot of times, I forget what my main point is too in the process ><
    Hi! I just wanted to tell you that I thought it was cute how you said Cole is not included in your posting of Fauna in the villager trading thread (sorry for taking a peak). That made me chuckle ^.^. Cute screenshots too 🙂. I hope you’re feeling better about your decision now. If you ever want to invite Fauna again, let me know and I can scan her card :).
    Thanks so much! Your encouragement really helped me. Also, like magic my week did seem to get better. A coworker who’d had to quarantine was able to come back and help take some things off of my plate! I also tend to lurk on the new neighbors network sometimes. I like seeing what villagers are out there.
    Thanks so much for the amiibo offer!
    Getting to know you through the forum has been such a joy, btw! :giggle:
    You’re very welcome! I’m really glad that helped and that your week got better 😊. I feel the same way about getting to know you on the forum as well :). I can tell you put a lot of thought in your posts so that’s part of the reason I enjoy reading them so much in addition to a different perspective on topics :).
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