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  • Hello! I have Lily in boxes for free in my cycling town if you're interested. I don't know how long I'll keep her though! ; o;
    hey, i have mott pinging me to leave. if you want him for free you're welcome to him :) just let me know soon
    your inbox is full! c: i was wondering if you wanted to trade my flora for your lily tho, lmk!
    Oh! I could hold her no problem ^^ All I'm looking for is 2tbt, that's it. No worries! Just lmk when your 3ds gets fixed and I'll be sure to get her to ping in no time. :)
    Hi I sent you two messages! Please disregard the first message sent at 9:30pm and only read the one from 9:35pm. Thank you!
    Thanks. If you want to know why they were all published simultaneously, it's because I written them on my iPad and copied and pasted them to my wordpress site. I don't want to waste time on the internet, so I did a lot of writing at home.
    I've kind of laid off from making them since they are a bit of a hassle to make.
    Sorry! Thank you for considering me, though.
    Hey, I'm going to have to close my gates now, they've been open for a while. But just let me know when you're ready & I'll be happy to re-open them for you :D
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