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  • i only have dedede , meta knight and kirby amiibos smh at me >:/.

    Perhaps they do , maybe we could grab a simple basic glass and then print (or get some stickers) kirby face and glue them perfectly with a strong glue
    hope you do heh , also next friday no school bc 5 de mayo wooo!.

    sure x3 , i also suck a bit but eh :3 , ill play later tho
    omg i also loved robobot :blush: its a shame meta knight mode didn't got a harder boss , but perhaps the last battle makes sense on the history of kirby.

    hello btw <333 , i just added you on 3DS! :D
    Which was your first Kirby game :blush:? Mine was Squeak Squad , on 2013 , since then i have played most of DS , 3DS and Wii U games of Kibry <33 (also the N64 Crystal one) , i still need to play the Gameboy , Gamecube and Wii games! :0 , Especially i want to play Kirby Air Ride!
    ooooh bad boy :cool: i wouldn't do anything bad at the last day of school...yet x3
    also , ill add you on 3DS and Wii U later :) , yesterday i was super tired (well always lol)
    " they probably won't make you do anything big since its the end of the school year"
    ahahahahahaha hahaha haha ha... I have a lot of projects to do in May + exams in June
    Poyo (ill call you like that x3) , please do a time forwarder so we can be in july enjoying summer @.@
    Im always sleepy after school , today i was falling asleep on my art class.
    Im okay , it seems our summer break won't come until July :'(. Atleast May is full of days where we don't go to school , infact , the next week we will only go 3 days lol :p
    good luck in japanese :'c.
    i still have may and june left for school fml. idk if we are getting out on june or july tho , messed school calendars smh
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