No offense plz don't take this wrong if I'm right than you had that pic with the fuel waving her arms (which aggravated me ) this pic is way better and not aggravated plz dont take this offence just thanking u
Also I heard u have the acjo ur lucky if u do Jappenee HOW I WOULD DO THAT LOL dnyway if u do us it good?
I've put my game down for now. I'm in the last few weeks of this semester (finals). Got a lot of work to do. Will pickup and start playing again in about 3 weeks. (Last Day of Semester December 16)
dude i not cheating off of lisa Whit You know that . i invited her to the party 'sorry u wernt online' and i said hey do u have some bells and the hacked things 'the light sabor and guitar' remeber we battled?
I'd love to, but I'm at my college's dorm. And the Internet doesn't support online play, due of the nature of that network. However, on Friday evening and Saturday, I can play the game with you. It's going to be that way until December 21st.