Just to let you and Mimi know, I have frozen my town on one date, to be make sure no one sneaks in. I just do not know how long I will have this luck. Are we close to getting Greta? Maybe I should come and speak to her, idk? Mahalo.
Oh wow! That sounds so great! Do you have a picture of it? I would really like to see! I love cherries, they're in the AC movie which is so cute <3 ^_^ Do you need anything? <3
Hi! I got Kyle from just cycling randomly in my town! <3 But thank you so much though, I know this is a little late, but I have so many exams and tests at the moment! I know how tiring what you're going through can be! What is your definition of a perfect map though? I really like windy rivers, but then again I don't want them to be too windy Space is definitely important, because of the PWP I wanna place everywhere v_v How is it going though? Are you looking for the perfect map or are you still cycling? <3