00ToxicLove00 Jun 13, 2015 I'll do pick up please. I'll look out for your gates. I'm Angel from Starlite
Late Night Thoughts Jun 12, 2015 Have I traded with you before? Your mii looks familiar... Anyways, I added you c:
Late Night Thoughts Jun 12, 2015 Dang it, Missed you again. Unless your on invisible mode, Then yes, I'm available now. If not....I guess I'll try to catch you later c:
Dang it, Missed you again. Unless your on invisible mode, Then yes, I'm available now. If not....I guess I'll try to catch you later c:
Mick Jun 12, 2015 Hey! Of course I'm interested in your offer (Hero's cap, autumn wall). You don't seem to be online right now, though.
Hey! Of course I'm interested in your offer (Hero's cap, autumn wall). You don't seem to be online right now, though.