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  • We want you here Xara, you are important. I wish there was more I could say to make you feel better, but I don’t know you well enough. I care about you, and I want you to feel like you belong.
    PS: you’ve got to be Bonk’s favourite person! I hope she’s taking care of you 💜
    Xara my love, you are amazing and kind and sweet and wonderful. You are honestly one of the reasons I am still here. You make the world brighter and ily 🫶💜🥺
    Hey Xara, congrats on your team win! I'm not sure where you've placed in previous events, but way to go! You're a great member and friend and you deserve that win! (I meant to message this way earlier but oh god I've been so scatterbrained lately it's alarming lol)

    Good job! 🥳
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    hi Blue!! thank you so much! this is the second winning team i’ve been a part of, but regardless of where my teams have placed, i’ve been happy to be a part of every single one! i’m so proud of my fellow Squirtles 💙

    i hope you’ve been doing well and that you enjoyed tbtwc!!
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    Oh totally, winning isn't everything and I've always enjoy the camaraderie of my teammates, but I just wanted to congratulate you on the win haha! I really did enjoy the event. I wish there was a bit more Smash sessions since I'm butt with everything else lol, but it was still fun!

    I hope you have been good as well!
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    Reactions: Xara
    xara… the message 🥺 brb sobbing
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    the egg and i are big big BIG jiny fans!! 🫂

    your lineup is also SO cute!!!
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    Reactions: jiny
    THANK YOU SM!!!🫶🏻 currently aiming to get a moms plush as well so sheep can have a friend 🥺
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    Reactions: Xara
    omg yes the sheep needs a friend!!! i hope you can get a mom’s plush soon!! 🫶🏻
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    Reactions: jiny
    AAA I'm so sorry but I wanted to give you a personal thank you bc your messages in my thread actually meant a lot to me! I won't get too into it ofc but I've been having small bouts of mental health crisis' and I constantly get scared that people will blow up and be angry at me for whatever reason so I'm 100% sincere when I say that your kindness goes a long way for someone like me. I'm happy to be able to interact with people who are so caring! ; v ; Overall I just wanted to say thank you so much but if I keep going, I'll rant away and repeat myself ahahah;; <33
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    Reactions: Xara
    aw you don’t need to apologize or thank me!! you’re so valid. 🫂 i’m really sorry you’ve been struggling with your mental health; mine is also a pain in the butt, and i’m always worried people will be upset with me because of it as well, so i get it. you’ve always seemed like such a sweetheart, and the least i and everyone else can do is show you the kindness and patience you deserve! i know none of this is fun or easy, but you’re doing the best that you can!

    please take care of yourself the best you can! sending you lots of love 💗
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    Reactions: Pixori
    your cheer is so cute! ☺️💜💜 Also I wanted to say I love seeing your rep in the banner :D
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    Reactions: Xara
    thank you Dun!!!!! i couldn’t let tbtwc end without doing at least one moo moo cheer! i was mostly just fooling around with colours and brushes and settings, but i’m honestly pretty pleased with how it turned out!

    thank you!! i also love seeing my rep in the banner hehe, i’m still so happy my girl was chosen! i hope you and the babies are doing okay today! 💜
    One of the things I’ll remember about this tbtwc the most is how much everyone wanted the moo moo level ☺.

    I’m doing okay, thanks ☺️. My girls are too! We all say hi to you and bonk 😺💜💜💜. I hope you both are doing good! ☺️
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    2021 tbtwc was all about baby park, this time it’s moo moo!!! moo moo > baby park 100% though 👀

    i’m glad you and the kitties are doing okay! Bonk and i send our love! 💜
    THIS IS SO RANDOM AKGJDRJK but i love seeing ur character around the forums... ORZ shes just so cute the sweater is everything
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    Reactions: Xara
    omg that’s such a coincidence because i also love seeing you around the forums!!! hehe thank youuuu, i love my kenough hoodie very very much ☺️
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    Reactions: jiny
    I just saw your WBY post earlier and you are very likeable! You're sweet and you're interesting and you're fun to be around!! If it helps at all with perspective, I also really related to a lot of the things you mentioned in your post, and to what Zerous said below. I've talked to my parents about feeling like I wasn't anyone's favorite either, in those exact words—and I don't think the three of us are the only ones who feel this way. Even if I have a hard time believing it for myself sometimes, I think these insecurities and self-doubts are irrational things. They're evil little thoughts that aren't founded in reality, but still try to make us feel lesser. 🫂
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    Reactions: Xara
    🫂 ALSO that’s you in the banner!!!!!!! we’re twinning with the balloons :3
    .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    and I love that we both dyed our hair team colors!! ;w; also balloon photos are so hard omg never again
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    omg i know, it took me like 30 tries to get a photo i actually liked LOL
    Congrats on making it to the banner! ^^
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    thank you!! i was so happy to see my girl up there, i’m so honoured to get to rep our amazing team in the banner!
    Hi Xara, just wanted to say that what Croc’s said is true. I’ve only been here a couple of months and you’ve made me feel welcome, especially recently during TBTWC. I think you’re really friendly and sweet! I don’t think you’re annoying. I can tell you truly care about your friends here and it’s lovely to see.
    • Hug
    Reactions: Xara
    ohh i am going to cry.. thank you so much, Doo !! 🥹 your kind words genuinely mean the world to me.

    i saw your wby post from the other day, and i need you to know that you absolutely do matter. i know we’re not super close, but you’re genuinely such a delight to have around the forums. you’re so kind, supportive and helpful, and it’s been so lovely to be on the same team as you this tbtwc! i know it’s easier to hear than believe, but you truly are so lovely, and you most definitely matter! even if you don’t believe it, i and so many others know it 💙
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    Reactions: Doo
    Aww, thank you so much. It means a lot 💙
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    Reactions: Xara
    I saw your post in the WBY thread, the one about how you wished you could see yourself from someone else’s point of view? Something along those lines… but I really vibe with your aesthetics each time you come up with something. You’re one of the most iconic members of this forum. Your posts always stand out to me, notably in the “happy” thread because of your colorful emojis you use in the posts. I don’t usually reach out to people on here but I’d say you’re one of the more approachable here! I always see you greeting new members and making them feel welcome and I think that’s important!
    • Hug
    Reactions: Xara
    In a community that’s already formed cliques we should make everyone feel welcome and I think you do a great job of that. I remember when I first started becoming active here you made me feel very welcome! People will remember the smallest of interactions that made them feel happy and you do stand out, even if you don’t think. I’d definitely notice if you weren’t around.
    Croc 🥹 thank you so much for your kind words oh my goodness !! i’m super sorry for the late response, all of these wonderful messages once again got buried in my notifications, but i appreciate you so so much. it makes my heart so happy to hear that i made you feel welcome when you first became active! you are definitely an integral part of the community here for me; i’d notice if you weren’t around as well.
    it makes me sad how cliquey tbt can be and feel at times, so i really do try my best to be kind and welcoming to everyone! if i can make at least one person feel comfy and welcome here, that’s important. i’m so so grateful for you and your friendship, thank you for reaching out and for always checking in on me 💙
    I just wanted to say, your lineup rn is absolutely GORGEOUS 🙏💙 I love it sm

    Also, I can relate to your WBY post, I often feel the same. But you come across as quite the opposite as unlikeable, at least to me. And I think how beloved you are by so many of us on here is testament to the fact I'm not alone in feeling that way 💙 You've always come across as so kind and supportive, and I actually look up to you in terms of how to talk to people online sometimes ngl.
    • Hug
    Reactions: .: Meri :. and Xara
    ACK i’m so sorry i didn’t see this sooner!! it got buried in my notifications : (

    thank you so much! i’ve been thinking about switching to a blue/yellow lineup so that it’s still Kinda squirtle but also matches my backdrop better, but i do love this one as well.. i think i’m just going crazy ‘cause it’s been over a week and i haven’t changed my aesthetic LOL. your lineup is so so pretty also!! your whole aesthetic is honestly so gorg, i’m so jealous of the ha-chas and poyo puffs otl for getting to rock such pretty pink aesthetics!
    • Love
    Reactions: Zerous
    also i am going to cry?? you are SO sweet : (( i hate that you can relate, but you are one of my favourite people on here tbh.. you are also so so beloved and so lovely !! i always like talking with you and seeing you around and am very happy we’re friends !! and omg my heart 🥹… that’s such an honour tbh, and also insane to me considering i just took like half an hour to figure out how to word what i wanted to say LOL, but i appreciate you so so much 💙

    also sorry for the 2 messages asdfghjkl…. 720 character limit evil…
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    Reactions: Zerous
    Xara 🥹 Sorry as well for the late response, I've been struggling to find the words
    That's genuinely so kind of you, and I really enjoy chatting with you too and am so grateful for the opportunity to get to know such a lovely person. Thank you, and again, you come across as such a lovely person please don't worry about that, I love reading whatever you have to say 💙

    And Ooo blue and yellow is so good!! And thank you?? 😭 compliment from lineup queen?? I'm not used to doing assorted lineups but I'm kinda digging this one! I was rooting for my bright green to win tbh, but like the pink that got chosen!
    • Hug
    Reactions: Xara
    About that post you made in the WBY thread, sometimes I kind of feel like that too, but I don’t think you come across as annoying or unlikeable in your posts. I actually really like reading them.
    • Hug
    Reactions: Xara
    thank you so much Yoshi, i really appreciate your reassurance and kind words!! you definitely aren’t unlikeable or annoying, either; i think you’re awesome! 💙
    Your burning squirtle too made me chuckle; so cute too ☺️💜💜. Nice to see you in your signature do-rag too :D
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    thank you so much, Dun !!! deana gave me the idea for it last week, and since a burning Squirtle dress didn’t already exist (which is a crime imo 😔), i got to work! 🫡 i thought it would be a super fun idea to work on it after taking my sleepy meds lol, so i’m surprised it turned out as well as it did! should’ve made the flames higher though, might fix that later for my own peace of mind lol

    and yeah !! i was gonna wear one of the blue do-rags, but none of them looked right so just stuck with my signature one !! beige do-rag my beloved 🫶🏻
    Since you won the first hide-and-seek event today, I owe you a box of doughnuts.


    I made sure that the apples didn’t get into them.
    Hi, Xara. I hope you're doing well. I've been reading your posts in the "what's bothering you" thread lately and I hope things get better for you sooner than later! I'm sorry you're going through a hard time. :(
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    thank you Croc, i appreciate you sm 💙
    Ah! Xara! you really didn’t have too 😲! Please let me know if there is any collectible you’re looking for and/or if you need tbt. I can put aside my tbt and start saving to help you. there is any other way I can help you with something, don’t hesitate to let me know; I have to repay you by doing something in return for you 🙂! you’re too generous and kind 😭💜💜💜! Tysm! I’m seriously in your debt and extremely grateful and touched by your thoughtfulness 🥺💜💜💜
    • Love
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    Aw don’t say that 🥺. you’ve been just as supportive for me; for example being my friend still even though I had needed a lot of time away from here 😭 and also for checking up on me even when I was gone 🙂. I know you have your own struggles so please don’t discredit yourself. 💜 Just being able to chat like this and exchange kitty pictures has been a great mood booster for me 🙂. I still go by what I said and would be happy to help you if you need help with something 💜💜💜; I don’t want to take you for granted and I like to return favors if I can 🙂.
    • Hug
    Reactions: Xara
    you needing time away would never stop me from being your friend! i know things have been rough for you and you needed a break, and that’s completely understandable! none of that changes how kind and how good of a friend you are. thank you for checking in on me despite your own struggles as well, i know how hard it can be to keep up with people when you’re struggling and i really appreciate the effort and your kindness 💜

    you’re not at all taking me for granted!! it’s my honour to be able to do something for you 🫂💜
    🫂💜💜 You’re the best and I feel the same about you too! ☺️ I’m so grateful (and to Miss Bonk too)! My friends are important to me so I try my best to be there even if I’m not doing well 🙂.
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    Reactions: Xara
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