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  • I loveee your lineup!! It’s so beautiful! and it is so comforting to see your aesthetic return to it’s usual glory! :love:🤩😍
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    Reactions: Xara
    thank you! i honestly wasn’t feeling my enchanted forest aesthetic much, so i’m vv glad to be back to one that i like more and that feels like me! : )

    congrats on your staff favourite! 💞
    Heyo! Just here for some fairy dust.

    And I hope you're doing well, friend. :giggle:
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    Reactions: Xara
    LOL you changed your username again!! i was looking at this like 🤨 who’s this haha.

    i’m doing pretty good now that we’ve reached all dust milestones! so excited to get my hands on those potions. 😊 i hope you’re doing well, too!
    Hi xara! We haven't talked in a while, but I hope you're doing well. ^^
    I actually have a question for you - Marlo moved into my NH island via auto-fill and he said he was from Axolotl, I was wondering if he was one of your old villagers? :]
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    Reactions: Xara
    hey! i’ve been doing good! life’s been hectic between tbt fair, adopting a new kitty and other stuff, but i’m good! i hope you’re doing well, too! ^_^

    haha yeah, definitely sounds like he came from me. he moved off my island earlier this year, can’t believe he’s been chilling in the void all this time lol. hopefully you don’t mind having him — i didn’t gift him anything outrageous, so he’s not gonna randomly start wearing a muscle suit or anything haha.
    That's great! Life's all good right now, I've just been chilling and enjoying myself. :]
    And I don't mind at all! Marlo was one of my first Happy Home Paradise clients and I just fell in love with him. I'm super happy to have him on my island now! 😁
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    Reactions: Xara
    that’s good! and awe, i’m so happy to hear that! i honestly really liked having him on my island; he’s such a cool lil guy. i hope you’ll enjoy him as much as i did! ☺️
    Sending love and fairy dust 💜✨✨✨ Hope you are doing ok.
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    Reactions: Xara
    i’m surviving. ;^w^; sending all the love and fairy dust in the world your way! i hope you’ve been doing well and enjoying the fair. your lineup is absolutely stunning! 💜
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    Reactions: Roxxy
    Thank you so much for continuing to post Bonk in the wishing well thread, she gets a smile out of me every time! Please give her some scritches for me.
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    Reactions: Xara
    awe i’m so glad! 🥺 i’m always happy to share pics of my girl! i’ll be sure to give her plenty of scritches for you. <33

    hey xar! i was just thinking about you and wanted to ask how you've been doing. i hope you're enjoying the fair festivites! 😊💖
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    Reactions: Xara
    thats so cute!! i hope you find the perfect cat companion for bonk, she's such a treasure and i know her friend will be too 💗

    and im sorry for the random replying times, i keep having to stop typing because my baby cousins are over and im legit the only one watching them like the rest of yall help with these chaotic kids 😭😂
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    Reactions: Xara
    it’s totally okay to be nervous! but you really are gonna do just fine — you’re smart, talented, friendly and so lovely, college and any obstacles that arise have nothing on you! you’re gonna kick ass fr. <3 i feel you on the socializing LOL. i was always too awkward and socially anxious to socialize when i was attending school in-person, hence why i’m still doing it online. 😅 sucks you couldn’t do all online classes, but maybe you’ll meet some cool people in your in-person ones!
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    Reactions: Kirbyz
    🥺🥺 am crying ily, thank you so much!! i’m lowkey kinda proud of my 3rd forest of the lustrous entry and how colourful it is! i half-assed finishing it today though since i was tired and just wanted to submit it LOL, but i did my best with it! i tried to colour some of the crystals to look like the ones in the shop, but colouring is Hard and my pencil crayon colours weren’t exact matches haha. i honestly thought they were the ugliest part of my colouring but you saying otherwise means so much. 🥰

    thank you!! and omg girl don’t worry about it! kids suck up all your attention, especially when you’re the only one watching ‘em. 😆
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    Reactions: Kirbyz
    hi hope the dust collecting is going well! have a great day!
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    Reactions: Xara
    collecting little by little, but every amount counts! 💪🏻💙 have a great day as well! ^_^
    Hi xara!! I just read your post about getting Bonk finally and i'm sooo so so happy for you and Bonk <3 you both deserve each other ;-; I'm happy bb kitty has a forever home now with you <3
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    Reactions: Xara
    wahhhh i’m so sorry for the late response!! kitty and tbt fair has been sucking up all my focus. ;w; but thank you so much!! bonk is absolutely exhausting and a pain in the butt lol, but she’s genuinely such a sweet girl. <33 i love her to pieces. ♥️
    Hi xara, I'm so very sorry to hear about Alize. 😢

    I know how much she meant to you just from seeing some of your posts. She was a beautiful kitty and I know you gave her a happy life during the time she had.

    Take care of yourself. Your profile pic is so gorgeous and sweet. 🌈
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    Reactions: Xara
    thank you so much, destani. 💙 she most definitely was a beautiful kitty, and she really did mean a lot to me. i hate that she’s gone so soon, but i’m just grateful that i got to know her, even if it was only for a short while. :’)

    love your tbt aesthetic, by the way! your lineups are always so gorgeous. <3
    Hey Xara! I've been catching up on the forums since I was sick. I'm so sorry that you've had to go through such trying times. I know I have been a bit inactive, but hit me up with a message or something if you ever need to talk about anything. You're a great friend and like everyone else has said it is great to see that you are still here. I am sorry for these tough times and I hope things become better day by day for you. Take care friend!
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    Reactions: Xara
    ah thank you so much, friend. 🖤 i’m sorry to hear you’ve been sick — that’s never fun. i hope you’re feeling at least slightly better now, but if not, i hope you start feeling better soon! times are definitely bad for me right now, but i’m doing my best to hang in there. thank you for taking the time to message me, you’re a great friend as well. take care of yourself, too. <3
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    Sorry for the late reply, been recovering from covid. I'm sorry that things are so rough for you. I know you were looking forward to the forum event, I hope you enjoy yourself when it comes time for it!
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    Reactions: Xara
    no need to apologize! sorry for my late reply as well, though haha. i hope you feel better soon and that you enjoy the upcoming forum event as well if you’re participating! 💙
    I know you're not fully back from hiatus yet, but just wanted to add on that I'm also glad you've been posting on the forums somewhat. No matter which thread it's on, I'm just glad to still see you here and there. You've been a great friend to me and I'm sorry that you're going through really rough times right now. Others and myself will be here for you as friends. Always. 💚
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    Reactions: Firesquids and Xara
    thank you so much, riley. that really means a lot. you’ve been a great friend to me as well, and i’m sorry that you’ve also been through rough times. i promise i’ll be around more and back to posting in other threads soon. thanks for taking the time to message me. 🖤
    I’m happy to see you somewhat active! I’ve been reading your posts in the “what’s bothering you” thread and it was nice seeing you get a bit better each day, but I’m also sorry you’ve been having a rough time recently. I enjoyed seeing your posts around the forum, especially in the “what are you happy about today” thread. I know we haven’t really talked here on the forums, but I do hope things get better for you.
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    Reactions: Xara
    tysm, croc. i’m definitely hoping to be 100% active again by the time fair starts next month and back to posting about more lighthearted stuff again since i’m practically living in the wby thread rn lol, but i’m slowly getting there. thank you for taking the time to reach out. 💙
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