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  • Congrats on your team hitting first place! 🥳 I must say though, don’t get too complacent. The Evergreens are going to take that place back 🥴😋. We will give you complimentary snacks in return (in edition to the ones I have packed away for you and my other friends 💜). I hope you’re doing well! I’m excited to see what area we are going to next! 🙂
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    Thanks so much Xara! 💜 I didn’t mean to make you feel bad; just wanted to let you know that you don’t need to be worried about that if you need me to vent to or anything 🙂☺️💜.

    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    no no don’t worry, you didn’t make me feel bad! just wanted to let you know that my pms are always open if you ever need to vent as well. 💙
    Thanks friend! 💜
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    Hey, just thinking about you and hope you are ok 💜
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    hi, love! i’m doing okay! i hope you are, too and that you’re enjoying camp bell tree! 😊💜
    • Dino
    Reactions: Roxxy
    🍖🍫🍿🥮 Yummy snacks delivery! ☺️ I hope you’re having a fun time still! Ready for some scary stories? 🥴
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    ooh delicious, thank you! i’m still having fun, i hope you are as well! and always. 😉💖
    ☺️ I’m so glad. I’m enjoying myself a lot. Right now I’m attempting to come up with something for the flag 🙂
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    xaraaa your lineup mixed with the backdrop is literally the cutest thing ive ever seen, giving me ocean vibes and now i feel like going to the beach for a swim 😍🌊🌊
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    AAAH YOU’RE SO SWEET WHAT 😭. thank you so much! i’ve been feeling iffy about my lineup lately, so this really means a lot to me! 🥺

    your avatar looks really nice with the woodlands backdrop! the darkness really helps kirby (and your lineup!) stand out and it looks great! i hope you’re having fun at camp bell tree! 🥰
    • Love
    Reactions: Kirbyz
    ahh thank you so much luv!! and girl your lineup looks SO GOOD don’t second guess it i swear 🥺💖
    im having an amazing time at camp, this event is so fun! i hope you’re enjoying it as well 😊
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    I just want to tell you…that Cabin 5 is going down 🥴. We may be friends (actually a lot of my friends are on your team including Nef 😋), but there shall be no mercy 💪. But I will save you some yummy snacks and desserts and sneak some to you. 😋

    Joking aside (if I’m joking 🥴), I hope you’re having fun! What collectibles are you for sure aiming for atm?
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    now you listen here,,,,, your team may have won tbtwc, but this time cabin 5 will be victorious,, 😤😤 though, i may be tempted to show you a smidge of mercy just a smidge if you sneak me some desserts. 😉😋💗

    but i am having fun! trying to muster up the energy to participate is exhausting all on its own lol, but i’m still having fun! i hope you are as well! i’m probably biting off more than i can chew, but i’m aiming to get one of as many of the new collectibles as possible — the bee plush, dino plush, camp patch and blue/green/silver moon jellyfishes are my priority, though! and of course, the rainbow moon jellyfish 🤞🏻. what about you? ^_^
    I’m so glad that you’re having fun ☺️💜. I am too! My priorities are rainbow jelly, bee and dino plush, blue/green/gold jelly and camp patch though i honestly want them all 😅😋.
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    Just wanted to say, I’d definitely be fine with you using my cabin’s plumbing if it’d be okay with our captains (I don’t mean to not be friendly ><), but the way thunder just said no one is going to use it on my team 😅😋. 💜 I’m sad we’re not on the same team but I’ll still have fun bantering with you. Keep an eye on Tangy and @NefariousKing for me 😋🥴😉.
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    XJKNDKDK thank you, that’s very kind of you. i’m sad that we’re not on the same team, too, but i promise to protect tangy. 😋💞
    Hi! I hope you’re doing okay! 💜 Sorry for not messaging in awhile. Still struggling but I have been having some better moments at least.
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    hi! i’m alright; been having good days but i’m still very low energy and a bit depressive heh. i’m glad to hear that you’re having better moments, though, and hope that you continue to have more and more of those! you deserve to be happy. ☺️

    and i’m sorry as well for also not messaging; i’m awful at reaching out when i’m low energy. i also didn’t want to bother or overwhelm you, since i know you’re still struggling. >_<
    I’m sorry you’re having low energy and depression too :(. Please don’t hesitate to message me if you need anything regardless what I’m going through. I will try to respond when I can :). No need to apologize ☺️. I understand. Thanks so much for understanding and well wishes. I hope you feel better soon 💜🍀
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    Hi! How are you doing? Your journal looks amazing. Is that a Golden Deer flag that I see in one of your screenshot! 👀 I loved how you edited the pictures. The rainbow color really enhances your pictures and go well with your color theme for your journal :). I hope you’re doing well.
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    I’m glad; I hope you continue to be well :). I’m still struggling a bit, but sometimes I think I’m doing better. Been going through waves of depression my anxiety has been pretty constant. Thanks so much for asking 💜.
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    i’m glad to hear that you’re doing a bit better, and i hope that things get better for you and that your depression and anxiety improve. hang in there, friend. 💜
    Thanks so much friend! 💜 I am looking forward to the camp event; that may help put my mind and mood where it should be :). I hope we and my other friends are on the same team ☺️.
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    Just saying hi and hope you are ok? 💜
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    hi! i’m okay — i hope you are as well! 🥰💜
    • Love
    Reactions: Roxxy
    I’m ok, thanks for asking 😊 Hope you have a good day!💫💜
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    Hi! How are you doing? Thanks for being so understanding and supportive about everything including the birthday plans. I’ll let you know if I reschedule it in case you’re interested. First I need to get back to feeling better :). I appreciated the kitty picture ☺️💜
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    hi! i’m okay; definitely ready for bed, though lol. you don’t have to thank me — that’s what friends are for! i hope you’re feeling at least a little bit better. i’m always here if you need me! 😊💜
    💜 Thanks friend :). I’m feeling a bit better ☺️. I should be going to bed myself 😅.
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    Just thinking about you and hope everything ok 💜
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    🥺 everything’s good! hope everything is okay with you as well! <3
    • Love
    Reactions: Roxxy
    hi! how are you doing? :) I hope you’re doing okay 💜🙂
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    I’m glad to hear that. :) 💜 I’m good; I just woke up from an unintentional nap 😅. I was going to try to go to bed early but I grabbed another pop to go with a snack I had right now so might not be possible 😅.
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    ooof i feel that LOL. yeah, i might be up for a while myself, since i only woke up a few hours ago haha. i hope you’ll be able to get some sleep soon, though! 😅💖
    Thanks! I hope you do too! 💜
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    Hi! glad to see you back :). I hope you’re feeling much better now 💜
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    hi! i’m definitely feeling better — fatigued and a bit nauseous still, but definitely better! should be back on my feet by monday, hopefully aha. hope you’ve been well these past few days! ^_^ 💖
    I’m glad to hear it! 💜 I’ve been doing alright thanks 🙂💜. Finally little or no jaw/ear pain; I’m still on my antibiotic though, got to finish it.
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    Hi! Just checking up on you to see if you’re feeling any better 💜. Hang in there.
    hi! sorry for not responding - i’ve honestly felt too sick to do anything other than drag myself out of bed to take a photo for the scavenger hunt lol. i’m getting better, slowly i think, but i’m probably not gonna be on much the next few days. 😅
    Don’t apologize! I figured that was the case. I just wanted to leave a message and you could reply whenever. I didn’t mean to spam ><. There is never a need for you respond right away; always at your convenience :). Take care! Hope you feel better soon 🙏💜
    sorry to hear that your day hasn’t been well and that you’re sick still. :(. sending you hugs. 💜 I hope you feel better soon (and sorry for not messaging you yesterday ><). I hope your day is better tomorrow. :)
    Hi! How are you? I hope you’re enjoying the scavenger hunt. :) I love that stitch hat you post. Stitch is so cute 🥺. All your hats are really cute 🙂
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    oh that’s awesome! was it the missing piece from the figure, perhaps? i know you were upset about having lost that and not being able to find it :’o. sorry if it wasn’t; don’t wanna make you upset about it >_<. rewatching it would be fun! may do that myself at some point. and i definitely recommend the other movies as well! they’re all pretty great imo. 😊
    yup! it was that one :). yeah! I never seen the one with the pink looking stitch, or at least I don’t think I have. I saw some gifs and thought they were adorable together 🥺. no need to apologize either :)
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    yay!! i’m so glad your mom was finally able to find it! i think her first appearance was actually in the tv series, but it’s been a while so i don’t really remember lol. her and stitch are definitely cute together, though! man, now i’m really tempted to rewatch everything. 😋💗
    Hi! I hope you’re doing better today :) 💜
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    hi! i am, actually! i hope you’re doing well today, too! 😊💖
    I’m glad 💜😊. I am doing much better now that I am on an antibiotic and also on motrin since tylenol did not work at all for my jaw. Thanks for asking 😊.
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    oh i am so glad to hear that! i hope the antibiotic and motrin help you continue to feel better. 🥰💜
    Good luck on the scavenger hunt! I hope you win something from the raffle 💜🍀🤞
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    thank you!! good luck to you as well! 🥰💚
    Thanks! 💜 The banner and new collectible is so cute 🥺. Vris is so talented.
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    they really are! can’t believe i didn’t mention it in my post, but the banner really is stunning! the event banners never fail to blow me away. 😊💗
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