I love that tamagotchi pusheen picture you used for your journal! So cute! Sorry! I just get excited every time I see your journal updates and rather than mess up your journals by commenting there... Please tell me if this ever annoys you though . I won’t take it personal. Seriously, I love how you introduce your entries and the colors! And I always enjoy reading what you have to say and seeing your island and villagers . congrats on the photo!
Hi Xara! How are you and your gorgeous kitty? I had so much fun with the tournament; I was so happy to see you and a bunch of my friends in the discord chat. Everyone was really great .
Your kitty art and poem melted my heart ❤. I love your kitty...but I reject your kitty’s request for our points . We Jolly Redd’s vow to not give up even on the last day just as I am sure you Bellflowers aren’t . How about instead of points, a bunch of catnip and head scratches? (I really wish I had more of the games and money so I could be more useful to my team). Sorry for spamming your wall. Just wanted to tell you that your art and poem were amazing
Enjoy first place while you can, little Bellflower. The Jolly Redd’s will be coming to pluck your little petals off, you watch . Jk about the plucking , but we Jolly Redd’s aren’t going to give up the spot without a fight (in spite what the score looks right now). And you got to watch out for @NefariousKing and the Froggies. You know mobster man and his Tangyilicious, tax evasion plots
Your axolotl is so adorable ! I’m loving all your artwork you have been making! I hope you and your kitty are doing well . I’m going back to sleep as soon as I get home (or maybe play more pokemon snap before going back to sleep )
Hi! I just want to say hi and see how you and your kitty are doing. I hope this week goes better for you. Also, your avatar is really cute and I have been enjoying your adorable artwork and haikus that you’ve been submitting.